
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form


A - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
Address Record
AAAA - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
IPv6 address record
action() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.RequestToBeSentAction
action() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.ResponseReceivedAction
action() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadProcessingResult
Invoked by Burp to see what action it should perform with the payload.
action() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestReceivedAction
This method retrieves the current initial intercept action.
action() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestToBeSentAction
This method retrieves the current final intercept action.
action() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseReceivedAction
This method retrieves the current initial intercept action.
action() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseToBeSentAction
This method retrieves the current final intercept action.
action() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.BinaryMessageReceivedAction
action() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.BinaryMessageToBeSentAction
action() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.TextMessageReceivedAction
action() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.TextMessageToBeSentAction
action() - Method in interface
The action performed when the BasicMenuItem is clicked.
action() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.BinaryMessageAction
action() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.TextMessageAction
actionResult(HttpRequest) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.sessions.ActionResult
Create a new instance of ActionResult.
Annotations will not be modified.
actionResult(HttpRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
actionResult(HttpRequest, Annotations) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.sessions.ActionResult
Create a new instance of ActionResult.
actionResult(HttpRequest, Annotations) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
ActionResult - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.sessions
An instance of this interface should be returned by SessionHandlingAction.performAction(SessionHandlingActionData).
activeAudit(HttpRequestResponse, AuditInsertionPoint) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.ScanCheck
The Scanner invokes this method for each insertion point that is actively audited.
add(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.sitemap.SiteMap
This method can be used to add an HttpRequestResponse item to Burp's site map with the specified request/response details.
add(AuditIssue) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.sitemap.SiteMap
Register a new Audit issue.
add(JsonNode) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Adds a JsonNode to this JsonArrayNode.
add(String, String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonUtils
Uses the location to create a new JSON string with the newJson added to the sourceJson.
addBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Adds a boolean to this JsonArrayNode.
addNumber(double) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Adds a double to this JsonArrayNode.
addNumber(long) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Adds a long to this JsonArrayNode.
addNumber(Number) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Adds a number to this JsonArrayNode.
addRequest(HttpRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.Audit
This method can be used to add an HTTP request to this audit.
addRequest(HttpRequest, List<Range>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.Audit
This method can be used to add an HTTP request to this audit.
addRequestResponse(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.Audit
This method can be used to add an HTTP request and response to this audit.
address() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.CollaboratorServer
Address of the Collaborator server.
addString(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Adds a string to this JsonArrayNode.
ai() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
[Professional only] Access AI related functionality.
Ai - Interface in
Provides access to AI related functionality.
AI_FEATURES - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.EnhancedCapability
ALL - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
All cached records
ALL_CHARACTERS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.HtmlEncoding
Encode HTML special characters as per STANDARD, encode all other characters as decimal entities.
ALL_CHARACTERS_DECIMAL - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.HtmlEncoding
Encode all characters as decimal entities.
ALL_CHARACTERS_HEX - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.HtmlEncoding
Encode all characters as hex entities.
ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.RedirectionMode
Always follow redirects.
AMBIGUOUS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
AMF - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.ContentType
ANCHOR_LABELS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
annotations() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Annotations
Create a new empty annotations.
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.RequestToBeSentAction
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.ResponseReceivedAction
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.sessions.ActionResult
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.sessions.SessionHandlingActionData
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerHttpRequestResponse
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestReceivedAction
This method retrieves the annotations for the current request after any modifications by the extension.
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestToBeSentAction
This method retrieves the annotations for the current request after any modifications by the extension.
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseReceivedAction
This method retrieves the annotations for the current response after any modifications by the extension.
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseToBeSentAction
This method retrieves the annotations for the current response after any modifications by the extension.
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
This method retrieves the annotations for the request/response pair.
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyWebSocketMessage
This method retrieves the annotations for the message.
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.InterceptedBinaryMessage
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.InterceptedTextMessage
annotations() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.WebSocketMessage
This method retrieves the annotations for the message.
annotations(HighlightColor) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Annotations
Create a new annotations with a highlight color.
annotations(HighlightColor) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
annotations(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Annotations
Create a new annotations with notes.
annotations(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
annotations(String, HighlightColor) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Annotations
Create a new annotations with notes and a highlight color.
annotations(String, HighlightColor) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
Annotations - Interface in burp.api.montoya.core
Annotations stored with requests and responses in Burp Suite.
APPEND_OFFSETS_TO_BASE_PARAMETER_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.intruder.HttpRequestTemplateGenerationOptions
Append offsets to base parameter value.
APPLICATION_FLASH - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
APPLICATION_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
applyThemeToComponent(Component) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.UserInterface
Customize UI components in line with Burp's UI style, including font size, colors, table line spacing, etc.
asArray() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Attempts to return this JsonNode as a list of nodes.
asBoolean() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Attempts to return this JsonNode as a boolean.
ASCII_LETTERS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.RandomUtils.CharacterSet
ASCII_LOWERCASE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.RandomUtils.CharacterSet
ASCII_UPPERCASE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.RandomUtils.CharacterSet
asDouble() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Attempts to return this JsonNode as a double.
asList() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Retrieves the value for this JsonNode.
asLong() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Attempts to return this JsonNode as a long.
asMap() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Retrieves the value for this JsonNode.
asNumber() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Attempts to return this JsonNode as a number.
asObject() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Attempts to return this JsonNode as an object.
assistantMessage(String) - Static method in interface
Creates an assistant message.
assistantMessage(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
asString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Attempts to return this JsonNode as a string.
AttackConfiguration - Interface in burp.api.montoya.intruder
Intruder attack configuration.
Attribute - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis
Burp attribute able to retrieve to hold details about HTTP response attributes.
attributes(AttributeType...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Retrieve the values of response attributes.
attributes(AttributeType...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Retrieve the values of response attributes.
attributes(AttributeType...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Retrieve the values of response attributes.
AttributeType - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis
Otions that Burp can use to query attributes of HTTP responses.
Audit - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit
Audit in the Burp Scanner tool.
auditConfiguration(BuiltInAuditConfiguration) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
auditConfiguration(BuiltInAuditConfiguration) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.AuditConfiguration
This method can be used to create a built-in audit configuration.
AuditConfiguration - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner
This class represents the configuration required for an audit in the Burp Scanner Tool.
auditInsertionPoint(String, HttpRequest, int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
auditInsertionPoint(String, HttpRequest, int, int) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPoint
This method can be used to create an audit insertion point based on offsets.
AuditInsertionPoint - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint
This interface is used to define an insertion point for use by active Scan checks.
AuditInsertionPointProvider - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Scanner.registerInsertionPointProvider(AuditInsertionPointProvider) to register a provider for custom audit insertion points.
AuditInsertionPointType - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint
This enum represents the audit insertion point type.
auditIssue(String, String, String, String, AuditIssueSeverity, AuditIssueConfidence, String, String, AuditIssueSeverity, HttpRequestResponse...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
auditIssue(String, String, String, String, AuditIssueSeverity, AuditIssueConfidence, String, String, AuditIssueSeverity, HttpRequestResponse...) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssue
This method can be used to create a default implementation of an audit issue for a URL.
auditIssue(String, String, String, String, AuditIssueSeverity, AuditIssueConfidence, String, String, AuditIssueSeverity, List<HttpRequestResponse>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
auditIssue(String, String, String, String, AuditIssueSeverity, AuditIssueConfidence, String, String, AuditIssueSeverity, List<HttpRequestResponse>) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssue
This method can be used to create a default implementation of an audit issue for a URL.
AuditIssue - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues
This interface is used to retrieve details of audit issues.
AuditIssueConfidence - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues
This enum represents the confidence level of an audit issue.
AuditIssueContextMenuEvent - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu
auditIssueDefinition(String, String, String, AuditIssueSeverity) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
auditIssueDefinition(String, String, String, AuditIssueSeverity) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueDefinition
This method can be used to create a default implementation of an audit issue definition.
AuditIssueDefinition - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues
This interface is used to retrieve background information about audit issues.
AuditIssueHandler - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Scanner.registerAuditIssueHandler(AuditIssueHandler) to register an audit issue handler.
auditIssues() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.AuditResult
AuditIssueSeverity - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues
This enum represents the severity level of an audit issue.
auditResult(AuditIssue...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
auditResult(AuditIssue...) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.AuditResult
auditResult(List<AuditIssue>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
auditResult(List<AuditIssue>) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.AuditResult
AuditResult - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.HttpMode
Use the HTTP protocol specified by the server


background() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueDefinition
This method returns a background description for this issue type.
Base64DecodingOptions - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.utilities
This enum defines HTML encodings.
Base64EncodingOptions - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.utilities
This enum defines HTML encodings.
base64Utils() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Utilities
Base64Utils - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities
This interface contains various methods that give you access to base64 encoding and decoding features.
baseUrl() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssue
Base URL for which this issue was generated.
baseValue() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.IntruderInsertionPoint
baseValue() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPoint
Base value for this insertion point.
basicMenuItem(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
basicMenuItem(String) - Static method in interface
Create a new instance of BasicMenuItem with a caption.
basicMenuItem(String) - Static method in interface
Create a new instance of BasicMenuItem with a caption.
BasicMenuItem - Interface in
BCheckImportResult - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner.bchecks
The result of importing a BCheck
BCheckImportResult.Status - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.scanner.bchecks
The status of an imported BCheck
bChecks() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.Scanner
Access functionality related to BChecks.
BChecks - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner.bchecks
Provides access to functionality related to BChecks.
BinaryMessage - Interface in burp.api.montoya.websocket
binaryMessageAction(ByteArray, MessageAction) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
binaryMessageAction(ByteArray, MessageAction) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.BinaryMessageAction
Build a binary websocket message action.
BinaryMessageAction - Interface in burp.api.montoya.websocket
Binary WebSocket message.
binaryMessageReceived(BinaryMessage) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketMessageHandler
Invoked when a binary message is received from the application.
BinaryMessageReceivedAction - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a binary message from ProxyMessageHandler.handleBinaryMessageReceived(InterceptedBinaryMessage).
BinaryMessageToBeSentAction - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a binary message from ProxyMessageHandler.handleBinaryMessageToBeSent(InterceptedBinaryMessage).
BLAKE2B_160 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
BLAKE2B_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
BLAKE2B_384 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
BLAKE2B_512 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
BLAKE2S_128 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
BLAKE2S_160 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
BLAKE2S_224 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
BLAKE2S_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
BLAKE3_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
BLUE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.HighlightColor
body() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Body of a message as a byte array.
body() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Body of a message as a byte array.
body() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpMessage
Body of a message as a byte array.
body() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Body of a message as a byte array.
body() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Body of a message as a byte array.
body() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Body of a message as a byte array.
body() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Body of a message as a byte array.
BODY - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameterType
BODY_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
bodyOffset() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Offset within the message where the message body begins.
bodyOffset() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Offset within the message where the message body begins.
bodyOffset() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpMessage
Offset within the message where the message body begins.
bodyOffset() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Offset within the message where the message body begins.
bodyOffset() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Offset within the message where the message body begins.
bodyOffset() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Offset within the message where the message body begins.
bodyOffset() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Offset within the message where the message body begins.
bodyParameter(String, String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameter
Create a new Instance of HttpParameter with HttpParameterType.BODY type.
bodyParameter(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
bodyToString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Body of a message as a String.
bodyToString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Body of a message as a String.
bodyToString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpMessage
Body of a message as a String.
bodyToString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Body of a message as a String.
bodyToString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Body of a message as a String.
bodyToString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Body of a message as a String.
bodyToString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Body of a message as a String.
booleanKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for Boolean values.
booleanKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for Boolean values.
booleanListKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for Boolean Lists.
BROTLI - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.CompressionType
build() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Version
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
buildHttpRequestWithPayload(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPoint
Build a request with the specified payload placed into the insertion point.
buildNumber() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Version
Build number for Burp Suite.
BuiltInAuditConfiguration - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.scanner
This enum represents built in configurations for the Burp Scanner tool.
burp.api.montoya - package burp.api.montoya - package - package
burp.api.montoya.burpsuite - package burp.api.montoya.burpsuite
burp.api.montoya.collaborator - package burp.api.montoya.collaborator
burp.api.montoya.comparer - package burp.api.montoya.comparer
burp.api.montoya.core - package burp.api.montoya.core
burp.api.montoya.decoder - package burp.api.montoya.decoder
burp.api.montoya.extension - package burp.api.montoya.extension
burp.api.montoya.http - package burp.api.montoya.http
burp.api.montoya.http.handler - package burp.api.montoya.http.handler
burp.api.montoya.http.message - package burp.api.montoya.http.message
burp.api.montoya.http.message.params - package burp.api.montoya.http.message.params
burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests - package burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests
burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses - package burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses
burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis - package burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis
burp.api.montoya.http.sessions - package burp.api.montoya.http.sessions
burp.api.montoya.internal - package burp.api.montoya.internal
burp.api.montoya.intruder - package burp.api.montoya.intruder
burp.api.montoya.logger - package burp.api.montoya.logger
burp.api.montoya.logging - package burp.api.montoya.logging
burp.api.montoya.organizer - package burp.api.montoya.organizer
burp.api.montoya.persistence - package burp.api.montoya.persistence
burp.api.montoya.project - package burp.api.montoya.project
burp.api.montoya.proxy - package burp.api.montoya.proxy
burp.api.montoya.proxy.http - package burp.api.montoya.proxy.http
burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket - package burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket
burp.api.montoya.repeater - package burp.api.montoya.repeater
burp.api.montoya.scanner - package burp.api.montoya.scanner
burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit - package burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit
burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint - package burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint
burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues - package burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues
burp.api.montoya.scanner.bchecks - package burp.api.montoya.scanner.bchecks
burp.api.montoya.scope - package burp.api.montoya.scope
burp.api.montoya.sitemap - package burp.api.montoya.sitemap
burp.api.montoya.ui - package burp.api.montoya.ui
burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu - package burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu
burp.api.montoya.ui.editor - package burp.api.montoya.ui.editor
burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension - package burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension - package
burp.api.montoya.ui.swing - package burp.api.montoya.ui.swing
burp.api.montoya.utilities - package burp.api.montoya.utilities
burp.api.montoya.utilities.json - package burp.api.montoya.utilities.json
burp.api.montoya.websocket - package burp.api.montoya.websocket
burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension - package burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension
BurpExtension - Interface in burp.api.montoya
All extensions must implement this interface.
burpSuite() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access functionality related to the Burp Suite application.
BurpSuite - Interface in burp.api.montoya.burpsuite
Provides access to functionality related to the Burp Suite application.
BurpSuiteEdition - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.core
Editions of Burp Suite.
BUTTON_SUBMIT_LABELS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
byteArray(byte...) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Create a new ByteArray with the provided byte data.
byteArray(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
byteArray(int...) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Create a new ByteArray with the provided integers after a narrowing primitive conversion to bytes.
byteArray(int[]) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
byteArray(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Create a new ByteArray from the provided text using the encoding specified by Burp Suite.
byteArray(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
ByteArray - Interface in burp.api.montoya.core
Burp ByteArray with various methods for querying and manipulating byte arrays.
byteArrayKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for ByteArray values.
byteArrayListKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for ByteArray Lists.
byteArrayOfLength(int) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Create a new ByteArray with the provided length.
byteArrayOfLength(int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
byteKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for Byte values.
byteKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for Byte values.
byteUtils() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Utilities
ByteUtils - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities
This interface gives you access to various methods for querying and manipulating byte arrays.


CAA - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
Certification Authority Authorization
CANONICAL_LINK - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
caption() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedEditor
caption() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedHttpRequestEditor
caption() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedHttpResponseEditor
caption() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedWebSocketMessageEditor
caption() - Method in interface
The caption to be displayed for the menu.
caption() - Method in interface
The caption of the MenuItem.
caretPosition() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse
caretPosition() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.WebSocketEditorEvent
caretPosition() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.Editor
caretPosition() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.HttpRequestEditor
caretPosition() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.HttpResponseEditor
caretPosition() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.RawEditor
caretPosition() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.WebSocketMessageEditor
CERTAIN - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueConfidence
characters - Variable in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.RandomUtils.CharacterSet
childObjectKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for PersistedObject objects.
CLASS_1XX_INFORMATIONAL_RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.StatusCodeClass
Informational response (100 to 199).
CLASS_2XX_SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.StatusCodeClass
Success (200 to 299).
CLASS_3XX_REDIRECTION - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.StatusCodeClass
Redirection (300 to 399).
CLASS_4XX_CLIENT_ERRORS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.StatusCodeClass
Client errors (400 to 499).
CLASS_5XX_SERVER_ERRORS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.StatusCodeClass
Server errors (500 to 599).
CLIENT_TO_SERVER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.Direction
clientIp() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.Interaction
Client IP address of the interaction.
clientPort() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.Interaction
Client port of the interaction.
close() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.ProxyWebSocket
This method will close the WebSocket.
close() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocket
This method will close the WebSocket.
close() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.WebSocket
This method will close the WebSocket.
CNAME - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
Canonical name record
collaborator() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
[Professional only] Access the functionality of the Collaborator.
Collaborator - Interface in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
[Professional only] Provides access to the facilities of Burp Collaborator.
CollaboratorClient - Interface in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
Burp Collaborator client that can be used to generate Burp Collaborator payloads and poll the Collaborator server for any network interactions that result from using those payloads.
collaboratorInteractions() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssue
Collaborator interactions that caused the issue to be generated.
CollaboratorPayload - Interface in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
Burp Collaborator payload.
CollaboratorPayloadGenerator - Interface in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
Burp Collaborator payload generator that can be used to generate Burp Collaborator payloads.
CollaboratorServer - Interface in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
Provides details of the Collaborator server associated with this client.
colorForHighLight(HighlightColor) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.swing.SwingUtils
Convert a highlight color to a java color.
commandLineArguments() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.BurpSuite
Command line arguments that were passed to Burp on startup.
COMMENTS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
COMMUNITY_EDITION - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.BurpSuiteEdition
Burp Suite community edition
comparer() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access the functionality of the Comparer.
Comparer - Interface in burp.api.montoya.comparer
Provides access to the functionality of the Comparer tool.
COMPARER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
ComponentEvent - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu
This interface describes an action or event that has occurred with a user interface component.
compress(ByteArray, CompressionType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.CompressionUtils
Compress data using the specified compression type.
CompressionType - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.utilities
This enum defines available compression types.
compressionUtils() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Utilities
CompressionUtils - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities
This interface gives you access to data compression features.
confidence() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssue
Issue confidence level.
CONNECTION_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketCreationStatus
Unable to connect to specified host.
consolidateIssues(AuditIssue, AuditIssue) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.ScanCheck
The Scanner invokes this method when the custom Scan check has reported multiple issues for the same URL path.
ConsolidationAction - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.scanner
This enum represents the action to be taken when duplicate audit issues are found.
contains(int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Range
contains(int) - Method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.StatusCodeClass
contains(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Searches the data in the HTTP message for the specified search term.
contains(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Searches the data in the HTTP message for the specified search term.
contains(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpMessage
Searches the data in the HTTP message for the specified search term.
contains(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
Searches the data in the HTTP request, response and notes for the specified search term.
contains(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Searches the data in the HTTP message for the specified search term.
contains(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Searches the data in the HTTP message for the specified search term.
contains(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerCaptureHttpRequestResponse
Searches the data in the HTTP request and response for the specified search term.
contains(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerHttpRequestResponse
Searches the data in the HTTP request, response and notes for the specified search term.
contains(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Searches the data in the HTTP message for the specified search term.
contains(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Searches the data in the HTTP message for the specified search term.
contains(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
Searches the data in the HTTP request and response for the specified search term.
contains(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyWebSocketMessage
Searches the data in the web socket message for the specified search term.
contains(Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Searches the data in the HTTP message for the specified regular expression.
contains(Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Searches the data in the HTTP message for the specified regular expression.
contains(Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpMessage
Searches the data in the HTTP message for the specified regular expression.
contains(Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
Searches the data in the HTTP request, response and notes for the specified regular expression.
contains(Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Searches the data in the HTTP message for the specified regular expression.
contains(Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Searches the data in the HTTP message for the specified regular expression.
contains(Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerCaptureHttpRequestResponse
Searches the data in the HTTP request, response and notes for the specified regular expression.
contains(Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerHttpRequestResponse
Searches the data in the HTTP request, response and notes for the specified regular expression.
contains(Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Searches the data in the HTTP message for the specified regular expression.
contains(Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Searches the data in the HTTP message for the specified regular expression.
contains(Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
Searches the data in the HTTP request and response for the specified regular expression.
contains(Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyWebSocketMessage
Searches the data in the web socket message for the specified regular expression.
containsHttpMessage() - Method in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
containsHttpRequestResponses() - Method in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
containsScanIssues() - Method in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
content() - Method in interface
Retrieves the content of the response from the prompt.
content() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.HttpRequestTemplate
CONTENT_LENGTH - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
CONTENT_LOCATION - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
CONTENT_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
contents() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.Selection
contentType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
contentType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use HttpRequestResponse.request() contentType instead.
contentType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
contentType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
ContentType - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.http.message
Content types recognised by Burp.
ContextMenuEvent - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu
Provides useful information when generating context menu items from a ContextMenuItemsProvider.
ContextMenuItemsProvider - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu
This interface allows extensions to implement and register a provider for custom context menu items.
CONTINUE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.handler.RequestAction
Causes Burp to send the request.
CONTINUE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.handler.ResponseAction
Causes Burp to send the response.
CONTINUE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.proxy.MessageReceivedAction
Causes Burp Proxy to follow the current interception rules to determine the appropriate action to take for the message.
CONTINUE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.proxy.MessageToBeSentAction
Causes Burp Proxy to forward the message.
CONTINUE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.MessageAction
Causes Burp to forward the message.
continueWith(ByteArray) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.BinaryMessageReceivedAction
Build a binary WebSocket message to follow the current interception rules to determine the appropriate action to take for the message.
continueWith(ByteArray) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.BinaryMessageToBeSentAction
Build a binary WebSocket message to continue through Burp.
continueWith(ByteArray) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.BinaryMessageAction
Build a binary WebSocket message to be processed.
continueWith(HttpRequest) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.RequestToBeSentAction
Create a new instance of RequestResult.
continueWith(HttpRequest) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestReceivedAction
This method can be used to create a result that causes Burp Proxy to follow the current interception rules to determine the appropriate action to take for the request.
Annotations are not modified.
continueWith(HttpRequest) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestToBeSentAction
This method can be used to create a result that causes Burp Proxy to forward the request.
Annotations are not modified.
continueWith(HttpRequest, Annotations) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.RequestToBeSentAction
Create a new instance of RequestResult.
continueWith(HttpRequest, Annotations) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestReceivedAction
This method can be used to create a result that causes Burp Proxy to follow the current interception rules to determine the appropriate action to take for the request.
continueWith(HttpRequest, Annotations) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestToBeSentAction
This method can be used to create a result that causes Burp Proxy to forward the request.
continueWith(HttpResponse) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.ResponseReceivedAction
Create a new instance of ResponseResult.
continueWith(HttpResponse) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseReceivedAction
This method can be used to create an action that causes Burp Proxy to follow the current interception rules to determine the appropriate action to take for the response.
Annotations are not modified.
continueWith(HttpResponse) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseToBeSentAction
This method can be used to create a result that causes Burp Proxy to forward the response.
Annotations are not modified.
continueWith(HttpResponse, Annotations) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.ResponseReceivedAction
Create a new instance of ResponseResult.
continueWith(HttpResponse, Annotations) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseReceivedAction
This method can be used to create an action that causes Burp Proxy to follow the current interception rules to determine the appropriate action to take for the response.
continueWith(HttpResponse, Annotations) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseToBeSentAction
This method can be used to create a result that causes Burp Proxy to forward the response.
continueWith(BinaryMessage) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.BinaryMessageReceivedAction
Build a binary WebSocket message to follow the current interception rules to determine the appropriate action to take for the message.
continueWith(BinaryMessage) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.BinaryMessageToBeSentAction
Build a binary WebSocket message to continue through Burp.
continueWith(BinaryMessage) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.BinaryMessageAction
Build a binary WebSocket message to be processed.
continueWith(TextMessage) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.TextMessageReceivedAction
Build a text WebSocket message to follow the current interception rules to determine the appropriate action to take for the message.
continueWith(TextMessage) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.TextMessageToBeSentAction
Build a text WebSocket message to continue through Burp.
continueWith(TextMessage) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.TextMessageAction
Build a text WebSocket message to be processed.
continueWith(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.TextMessageReceivedAction
Build a text WebSocket message to follow the current interception rules to determine the appropriate action to take for the message.
continueWith(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.TextMessageToBeSentAction
Build a text WebSocket message to continue through Burp.
continueWith(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.TextMessageAction
Build a text WebSocket message to be processed.
continueWithBinaryMessage(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
continueWithFinalProxyBinaryMessage(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
continueWithFinalProxyTextMessage(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
continueWithTextMessage(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
conversation() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.SmtpDetails
SMTP conversation.
convertAsciiToHexString(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.StringUtils
Convert a string to the hex values of its ASCII characters.
convertBinary(String, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertBinaryToDecimal(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertBinaryToDecimal(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertBinaryToHex(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertBinaryToHex(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertBinaryToOctal(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertBinaryToOctal(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertDecimal(String, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertDecimalToBinary(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertDecimalToHex(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertDecimalToOctal(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertFromString(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.ByteUtils
This method can be used to convert data from String form into an array of bytes.
convertHex(String, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertHexStringToAscii(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.StringUtils
Convert a string of hex values to a string of ASCII characters.
convertHexToBinary(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertHexToDecimal(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertHexToOctal(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertOctal(String, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertOctalToBinary(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertOctalToDecimal(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertOctalToHex(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.NumberUtils
convertToString(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.ByteUtils
This method can be used to convert data from an array of bytes into String form.
cookie(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
cookie(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
cookie(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Cookie - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.message
Burp cookie able to retrieve and hold details about a cookie.
COOKIE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameterType
COOKIE_NAMES - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
cookieJar() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.Http
Access the Cookie Jar.
CookieJar - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.sessions
Provides access to Burp's Cookie Jar functionality.
cookieParameter(String, String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameter
Create a new Instance of HttpParameter with HttpParameterType.COOKIE type.
cookieParameter(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
cookies() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Obtain details of the HTTP cookies set in the response.
cookies() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Obtain details of the HTTP cookies set in the response.
cookies() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.sessions.CookieJar
cookies() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Obtain details of the HTTP cookies set in the response.
cookieValue(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
cookieValue(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
cookieValue(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
copy() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Create a copy of the ByteArray
copyToTempFile() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Create a copy of the ByteArray in temporary file.
This method is used to save the ByteArray object to a temporary file, so that it is no longer held in memory.
copyToTempFile() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest in temporary file.
This method is used to save the HttpRequest object to a temporary file, so that it is no longer held in memory.
copyToTempFile() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
Create a copy of the HttpRequestResponse in temporary file.
This method is used to save the HttpRequestResponse object to a temporary file, so that it is no longer held in memory.
copyToTempFile() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest in temporary file.
This method is used to save the HttpRequest object to a temporary file, so that it is no longer held in memory.
copyToTempFile() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse in temporary file.
This method is used to save the HttpResponse object to a temporary file, so that it is no longer held in memory.
copyToTempFile() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest in temporary file.
This method is used to save the HttpRequest object to a temporary file, so that it is no longer held in memory.
count() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.KeywordCount
countMatches(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.ByteUtils
This method searches a piece of data and counts all matches for a specified pattern.
countMatches(byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.ByteUtils
This method searches a piece of data and counts all matches for a specified pattern.
countMatches(byte[], byte[], boolean, int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.ByteUtils
This method searches a piece of data and counts all matches for a specified pattern.
countMatches(byte[], Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.ByteUtils
This method searches a piece of data and counts all matches for a specified pattern.
countMatches(byte[], Pattern, int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.ByteUtils
This method searches a piece of data and counts all matches for a specified pattern.
countMatches(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray and counts all matches for a specified term.
countMatches(ByteArray, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray and counts all matches for a specified term.
countMatches(ByteArray, boolean, int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray and counts all matches for a specified term.
countMatches(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray and counts all matches for a specified term.
countMatches(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray and counts all matches for a specified term.
countMatches(String, boolean, int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray and counts all matches for a specified term.
countMatches(Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray and counts all matches for a specified pattern.
countMatches(Pattern, int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray and counts all matches for a specified pattern.
Crawl - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner
Crawl in the Burp Scanner tool.
CrawlAndAudit - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner
Crawl and audit in the Burp Scanner tool.
crawlConfiguration(String...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
crawlConfiguration(String...) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.CrawlConfiguration
Build a crawl configuration with seed urls
CrawlConfiguration - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner
This class represents the configuration required for an crawl in the Burp Scanner Tool.
createClient() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.Collaborator
Create a new Burp Collaborator client that can be used to generate Burp Collaborator payloads and poll the Collaborator server for any network interactions that result from using those payloads.
createHttpRequestEditor(EditorOptions...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.UserInterface
Create a new instance of Burp's HTTP request editor, for the extension to use in its own UI.
createHttpResponseEditor(EditorOptions...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.UserInterface
Create a new instance of Burp's HTTP response editor, for the extension to use in its own UI.
createRawEditor(EditorOptions...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.UserInterface
Create a new instance of Burp's plain text editor, for the extension to use in its own UI.
createResponseKeywordsAnalyzer(List<String>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.Http
Create a new response keyword analyzer.
createResponseVariationsAnalyzer() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.Http
Create a new response variations analyzer.
createWebSocket(HttpService, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.WebSockets
Create a new WebSocket using the specified service and path.
createWebSocket(HttpRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.WebSockets
Create a new WebSocket using the specified upgrade request.
createWebSocketMessageEditor(EditorOptions...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.UserInterface
Create a new instance of Burp's WebSocket message editor, for the extension to use in its own UI.
cryptoUtils() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Utilities
CryptoUtils - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities
This interface gives you access to cryptographic features.
CSS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
CSS_CLASSES - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
currentDisplayFont() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.UserInterface
Access Burp's font size.
currentEditorFont() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.UserInterface
Access the message editor's font type and size.
currentPayload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadData
currentTheme() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.UserInterface
Identify the theme currently being used.
customData() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.CollaboratorPayload
Custom data from the payload.
customData() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.Interaction
Custom data from the payload.
CYAN - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.HighlightColor


DARK - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.Theme
decode(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.URLUtils
decode(ByteArray, Base64DecodingOptions...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Base64Utils
Decodes all bytes from the specified byte array into a newly-allocated byte array using the Base64 decoding scheme.
decode(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.HtmlUtils
Decode encoded HTML text.
decode(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.URLUtils
decode(String, Base64DecodingOptions...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Base64Utils
Decodes all bytes from the specified String into a newly-allocated byte array using the Base64 decoding scheme.
decoder() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access the functionality of the Decoder.
Decoder - Interface in burp.api.montoya.decoder
Provides access to the functionality of the Decoder tool.
DECODER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
decompress(ByteArray, CompressionType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.CompressionUtils
Decompress data compressed using the specified compression type.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.EditorMode
defaultPayloadGenerator() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.Collaborator
Obtain Burp's default Collaborator payload generator.
definition() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssue
Definition for this issue.
DEFLATE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.CompressionType
delete() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Task
Delete the task.
delete() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.Audit
Delete the task.
delete() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.Crawl
Delete the task.
delete() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.CrawlAndAudit
Delete the task.
delete() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.ScanTask
Delete the task.
deleteBoolean(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the Boolean.
deleteBoolean(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Removes the mapping from the specified key to the Boolean.
deleteBooleanList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the PersistedList of Boolean.
deleteByte(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the Byte.
deleteByte(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Removes the mapping from the specified key to the Byte.
deleteByteArray(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the ByteArray.
deleteByteArrayList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the PersistedList of ByteArray.
deleteChildObject(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the PersistedObject.
deleteHttpRequest(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the HttpRequest.
deleteHttpRequestList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the PersistedList of HttpRequest.
deleteHttpRequestResponse(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the HttpRequestResponse.
deleteHttpRequestResponseList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the PersistedList of HttpRequestResponse.
deleteHttpResponse(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the HttpResponse.
deleteHttpResponseList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the PersistedList of HttpResponse.
deleteInteger(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping from the specified key to the Integer.
deleteInteger(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Removes the mapping from the specified key to the Integer.
deleteIntegerList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the PersistedList of Integer.
deleteLong(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping from the specified key to the Long.
deleteLong(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Removes the mapping from the specified key to the Long.
deleteLongList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the PersistedList of Long.
deleteShort(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping from the specified key to the Short.
deleteShort(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Removes the mapping from the specified key to the Short.
deleteShortList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the PersistedList of Short.
deleteString(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the String.
deleteString(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Removes the mapping from the specified key to the String.
deleteStringList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Removes the mapping of the specified key to the PersistedList of String.
deregister() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Registration
Remove the object registered by the extension.
description() - Method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
destinationIpAddress() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedHttpMessage
This method retrieves the IP address for the destination of the intercepted message.
destinationIpAddress() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
This method retrieves the IP address for the destination of the intercepted message.
destinationIpAddress() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
This method retrieves the IP address for the destination of the intercepted message.
detail() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssue
This method returns detailed information about this specific instance of the issue.
DigestAlgorithm - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.utilities
Enum of available message digest algorithms.
DIGITS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.RandomUtils.CharacterSet
direction() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyWebSocketMessage
direction() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.InterceptedBinaryMessage
direction() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.InterceptedTextMessage
direction() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.WebSocketMessage
direction() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.BinaryMessage
direction() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.TextMessage
Direction - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.websocket
This enum is used to indicate the direction of the WebSocket message.
disableIntercept() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.Proxy
This method disables the master interception for Burp Proxy.
displayName - Variable in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
displayName() - Method in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.BurpSuiteEdition
displayName() - Method in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.HighlightColor
displayName() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadGeneratorProvider
Name Burp will use when displaying the payload generator in a dropdown list in the UI.
displayName() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadProcessor
Name Burp will use when displaying the payload processor in a dropdown list in the UI.
DIV_IDS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
DNS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.InteractionType
Domain Name System
dnsDetails() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.Interaction
DNS interaction details.
DnsDetails - Interface in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
Provides information about a DNS interaction detected by Burp Collaborator.
DNSKEY - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
DNS Key record
DnsQueryType - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
Domain Name System (DNS) query types.
DO_NOT_INTERCEPT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.proxy.MessageReceivedAction
Causes Burp Proxy to forward the message without presenting it to the user.
domain() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.Cookie
Domain for which the cookie is in scope.
doNotIntercept(ByteArray) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.BinaryMessageReceivedAction
Build a binary WebSocket message to continue within the Proxy without interception.
doNotIntercept(HttpRequest) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestReceivedAction
This method can be used to create a result that causes Burp Proxy to forward the request without presenting it to the user.
doNotIntercept(HttpRequest, Annotations) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestReceivedAction
This method can be used to create a result that causes Burp Proxy to forward the request without presenting it to the user.
doNotIntercept(HttpResponse) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseReceivedAction
This method can be used to create an action that causes Burp Proxy to forward the response without presenting it to the user.
Annotations are not modified.
doNotIntercept(HttpResponse, Annotations) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseReceivedAction
This method can be used to create an action that causes Burp Proxy to forward the response without presenting it to the user.
doNotIntercept(BinaryMessage) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.BinaryMessageReceivedAction
Build a binary WebSocket message to continue within the Proxy without interception.
doNotIntercept(TextMessage) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.TextMessageReceivedAction
Build a text WebSocket message to continue within the Proxy without interception.
doNotIntercept(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.TextMessageReceivedAction
Build a text WebSocket message to continue within the Proxy without interception.
doNotInterceptInitialProxyBinaryMessage(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
doNotInterceptInitialProxyTextMessage(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
drop() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestReceivedAction
This method can be used to create a result that causes Burp Proxy to drop the request.
drop() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestToBeSentAction
This method can be used to create a result that causes Burp Proxy to drop the request.
drop() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseReceivedAction
This method can be used to create an action that causes Burp Proxy to drop the response.
drop() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseToBeSentAction
This method can be used to create a result that causes Burp Proxy to drop the response.
drop() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.BinaryMessageReceivedAction
Build a binary WebSocket message to be dropped.
drop() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.BinaryMessageToBeSentAction
Build a binary WebSocket message to be dropped.
drop() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.TextMessageReceivedAction
Build a text WebSocket message to be dropped.
drop() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.TextMessageToBeSentAction
Build a text WebSocket message to be dropped.
drop() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.BinaryMessageAction
Build a binary WebSocket message to be dropped.
drop() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.TextMessageAction
Build a text WebSocket message to be dropped.
DROP - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.proxy.MessageReceivedAction
Causes Burp Proxy to drop the message.
DROP - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.proxy.MessageToBeSentAction
Causes Burp Proxy to drop the message.
DROP - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.MessageAction
Causes Burp to drop the message.
dropBinaryMessage() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
dropFinalProxyBinaryMessage() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
dropFinalProxyTextMessage() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
dropInitialProxyBinaryMessage() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
dropInitialProxyTextMessage() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
dropTextMessage() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
DS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
Delegation signer
DSTU7564_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
DSTU7564_384 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
DSTU7564_512 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm


edited() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
editedPayload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyWebSocketMessage
edition() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Version
The edition of Burp Suite
Editor - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.editor
Provides the shared behaviour between the different editor types.
EditorCreationContext - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension
This interface is used by an ExtensionHttpRequestEditor or ExtensionHttpResponseEditor to obtain details about the currently displayed message.
editorMode() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.EditorCreationContext
Indicates which modes the Burp tool requests of the editor.
EditorMode - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension
An enum to describe the different modes of Burp Suites message editor.
EditorOptions - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.ui.editor
These options allow you to configure additional behaviour to Editor implementations.
enableIntercept() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.Proxy
This method enables the master interception for Burp Proxy.
encode(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.URLUtils
encode(ByteArray, Base64EncodingOptions...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Base64Utils
Encodes all bytes from the specified byte array into a newly-allocated byte array using the Base64 encoding scheme.
encode(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.HtmlUtils
Encode HTML text using HtmlEncoding.STANDARD encoding.
encode(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.URLUtils
encode(String, Base64EncodingOptions...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Base64Utils
Encodes all bytes from the specified String into a newly-allocated byte array using the Base64 encoding scheme.
encode(String, HtmlEncoding) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.HtmlUtils
Encode HTML text.
encodeToString(ByteArray, Base64EncodingOptions...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Base64Utils
Encodes all bytes from the specified byte array into a String using the Base64 encoding scheme.
encodeToString(String, Base64EncodingOptions...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Base64Utils
Encodes all bytes from the specified String into a String using the Base64 encoding scheme.
end() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.GeneratedPayload
Create a new GeneratedPayload instance to signify there are no more payloads.
endIndexExclusive() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Range
endStatusCodeExclusive() - Method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.StatusCodeClass
enhancedCapabilities() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.BurpExtension
Called when the extension is loaded to determine if it requires any enhanced capabilities.
EnhancedCapability - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya
Enhanced capabilities that need to be explicitly requested.
ENTERPRISE_EDITION - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.BurpSuiteEdition
Burp Suite enterprise edition
ENTIRE_BODY - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
error() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logging.Logging
errorCount() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.Audit
Number of network errors that have occurred for the scan task.
errorCount() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.Crawl
Number of network errors that have occurred for the scan task.
errorCount() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.CrawlAndAudit
Number of network errors that have occurred for the scan task.
errorCount() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.ScanTask
Number of network errors that have occurred for the scan task.
ETAG_HEADER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
excludeFromScope(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scope.Scope
This method can be used to exclude the specified URL from the Suite-wide target scope.
execute(Message...) - Method in interface
Evaluates a series of messages using the AI chat prompt.
execute(PromptOptions, Message...) - Method in interface
Evaluates a series of messages using the AI chat prompt using the provided prompt options.
execute(PromptOptions, String...) - Method in interface
Evaluates a series of messages using the AI chat prompt using the provided prompt options.
execute(String...) - Method in interface
Evaluates a series of messages using the AI chat prompt.
expiration() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.Cookie
Expiration time for the cookie if available.
exportProjectOptionsAsJson(String...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.BurpSuite
Export current project-level configuration in JSON format.
exportUserOptionsAsJson(String...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.BurpSuite
Export current user-level configuration in JSON format.
extension() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access functionality related to your extension.
Extension - Interface in burp.api.montoya.extension
Provides access to functionality related to your Extension.
EXTENSION_PROVIDED - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
extensionData() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Persistence
Access data storage functionality in the Burp project.
ExtensionProvidedEditor - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension
Provides the shared behaviour between the different extension provided editor types.
ExtensionProvidedHttpRequestEditor - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension
Extensions that register an HttpRequestEditorProvider must return an instance of this interface.
Burp will then use that instance to create custom tabs within its HTTP request editor.
ExtensionProvidedHttpResponseEditor - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension
Extensions that register an HttpResponseEditorProvider must return an instance of this interface.
Burp will then use that instance to create custom tabs within its HTTP response editor.
ExtensionProvidedWebSocketMessageEditor - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension
Extensions that register an WebSocketMessageEditorProvider must return an instance of this interface.
Burp will then use that instance to create custom tabs within its Web Socket message editor.
EXTENSIONS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
extensionUnloaded() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.extension.ExtensionUnloadingHandler
This method is invoked when the extension is unloaded.
ExtensionUnloadingHandler - Interface in burp.api.montoya.extension
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Extension.registerUnloadingHandler(ExtensionUnloadingHandler) to register an extension unload handler.
ExtensionWebSocket - Interface in burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension
A WebSocket created via the Extension API.
ExtensionWebSocketCreation - Interface in burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension
Result of a WebSocket creation attempt
ExtensionWebSocketCreationStatus - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension
Status of a WebSocket creation attempt
ExtensionWebSocketMessageHandler - Interface in burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension
This interface allows an extension to be notified when messages are received or the WebSocket has been closed.


FACTORY - Static variable in class burp.api.montoya.internal.ObjectFactoryLocator
This is initialized when your extension is loaded.
FALSE_POSITIVE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueSeverity
fileExtension() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
The file extension for the request.
filename() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.extension.Extension
Absolute path name of the file from which the current extension was loaded.
finalRequest() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
This method retrieves the HTTP request that was sent by Burp Proxy.
FIRM - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueConfidence
FIRST_HEADER_TAG - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
followUserRulesInitialProxyBinaryMessage(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
followUserRulesInitialProxyTextMessage(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
FONT_WOFF - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
FONT_WOFF2 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType


generateDigest(ByteArray, DigestAlgorithm) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.CryptoUtils
Generate a message digest for the supplied data using the specified algorithm
GeneratedPayload - Interface in burp.api.montoya.intruder
Intruder payload.
generatePayload(PayloadOption...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.CollaboratorClient
Generate new Burp Collaborator payloads.
generatePayload(PayloadOption...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.CollaboratorPayloadGenerator
Generate new Burp Collaborator payloads.
generatePayload(String, PayloadOption...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.CollaboratorClient
Generate new Burp Collaborator payloads with custom data.
generatePayloadFor(IntruderInsertionPoint) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadGenerator
Invoked by Burp to obtain the value of the next payload.
generateReport(List<AuditIssue>, ReportFormat, Path) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.Scanner
Generate a report for the specified Scanner issues.
get(int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Attempts to return the JsonNode at the given index.
get(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Attempts to return the JsonNode for the given key.
getAllInteractions() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.CollaboratorClient
Retrieve all Collaborator server interactions resulting from payloads that were generated for this client.
getBoolean(int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Attempts to return the boolean at the given index.
getBoolean(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Boolean associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getBoolean(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Boolean associated with the specified key.
getBoolean(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Attempts to return the boolean for the given key.
getBooleanList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
PersistedList of Boolean associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getByte(int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Access the byte stored at the provided index.
getByte(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Byte associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getByte(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Byte associated with the specified key.
getByteArray(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
ByteArray associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getByteArrayList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
PersistedList of ByteArray associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getBytes() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Copy of all bytes
getChildObject(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
PersistedObject associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getContents() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.WebSocketEditorEvent
getContents() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.RawEditor
getContents() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.WebSocketMessageEditor
getDouble(int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Attempts to return the number at the given index as a double.
getDouble(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Attempts to return the number for the given key as a double.
getHttpRequest(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
HttpRequest associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key
getHttpRequestList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
PersistedList of HttpRequest associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getHttpRequestResponse(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
HttpRequestResponse associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getHttpRequestResponseList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
PersistedList of HttpRequestResponse associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getHttpResponse(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
HttpResponse associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key
getHttpResponseList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
PersistedList of HttpResponse associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getInteger(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Integer associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getInteger(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Integer associated with the specified key.
getIntegerList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
PersistedList of Integer associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getInteractions(InteractionFilter) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.CollaboratorClient
Retrieve filtered Collaborator server interactions resulting from payloads that were generated for this client.
getLong(int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Attempts to return the number at the given index as a long.
getLong(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Long associated with the specified key, or null} if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getLong(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Long associated with the specified key, or null} if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getLong(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Attempts to return the number for the given key as a long.
getLongList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
PersistedList of Long associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getMessage() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedWebSocketMessageEditor
getNumber(int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Attempts to return the number at the given index.
getNumber(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Attempts to return the number for the given key.
getRequest() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedHttpRequestEditor
getRequest() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.HttpRequestEditor
getResponse() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedHttpResponseEditor
getResponse() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.HttpResponseEditor
getSecretKey() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.CollaboratorClient
Secret key that is associated with this client context.
getShort(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Short associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getShort(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Short associated with the specified key.
getShortList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
PersistedList of Short associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getState() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.TaskExecutionEngine
Retrieves the current state of the task execution engine.
getString(int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Attempts to return the string at the given index.
getString(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
String associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getString(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
String associated with the specified key.
getString(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Attempts to return the string for the given key.
getStringList(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
PersistedList of String associated with the specified key, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getValue() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
getValue() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonBooleanNode
getValue() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Retrieves the value for this JsonNode.
getValue() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNullNode
getValue() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNumberNode
getValue() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
getValue() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonStringNode
GOST3411 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
GOST3411_2012_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
GOST3411_2012_512 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
GRAY - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.HighlightColor
GREEN - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.HighlightColor
GZIP - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.CompressionType


handleBinaryMessage(BinaryMessage) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.MessageHandler
Invoked when a binary message is sent or received from the application.
handleBinaryMessageReceived(InterceptedBinaryMessage) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.ProxyMessageHandler
Invoked when a binary message is received from either the client or server.
handleBinaryMessageToBeSent(InterceptedBinaryMessage) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.ProxyMessageHandler
Invoked when a binary message is about to be sent to either the client or server.
handleHttpRequestToBeSent(HttpRequestToBeSent) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpHandler
Invoked by Burp when an HTTP request is about to be sent.
handleHttpResponseReceived(HttpResponseReceived) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpHandler
Invoked by Burp when an HTTP response has been received.
handleNewAuditIssue(AuditIssue) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.AuditIssueHandler
This method is invoked when a new issue is added to Burp Scanner's results.
handleRequestReceived(InterceptedRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestHandler
This method is invoked before an HTTP request is received by the Proxy.
Can modify the request.
Can modify the annotations.
Can control whether the request should be intercepted and displayed to the user for manual review or modification.
Can drop the request.
handleRequestToBeSent(InterceptedRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestHandler
This method is invoked after an HTTP request has been processed by the Proxy before it is sent.
Can modify the request.
Can modify the annotations.
Can control whether the request is sent or dropped.
handleResponseReceived(InterceptedResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseHandler
This method is invoked when an HTTP response is received in the Proxy.
handleResponseToBeSent(InterceptedResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseHandler
This method is invoked when an HTTP response has been processed by the Proxy before it is returned to the client.
handleTextMessage(TextMessage) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.MessageHandler
Invoked when a text message is sent or received from the application.
handleTextMessageReceived(InterceptedTextMessage) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.ProxyMessageHandler
Invoked when a text message is received from either the client or server.
handleTextMessageToBeSent(InterceptedTextMessage) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.ProxyMessageHandler
Invoked when a text message is about to be sent to either the client or server.
handleWebSocketCreated(WebSocketCreated) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.WebSocketCreatedHandler
Invoked by Burp when an application WebSocket has been created.
handleWebSocketCreation(ProxyWebSocketCreation) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.ProxyWebSocketCreationHandler
Invoked by Burp when a WebSocket is being created by the Proxy tool.
Note that the client side of the connection will not be upgraded until after this method completes.
HARAKA_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
HARAKA_512 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
has(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Determines if the object contains the given key.
hasArray(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Determines if the object contains the given key, and if the corresponding value is an array.
hasBoolean(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Determines if the object contains the given key, and if the corresponding value is a boolean.
hasCookie(Cookie) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
hasCookie(Cookie) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
hasCookie(Cookie) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
hasCookie(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
hasCookie(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
hasCookie(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
hasHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
hasHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Offset within the message where the message body begins.
hasHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpMessage
hasHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
hasHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
hasHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
hasHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Offset within the message where the message body begins.
hasHeader(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
hasHeader(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
hasHeader(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpMessage
hasHeader(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
hasHeader(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
hasHeader(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
hasHeader(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
hasHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
hasHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
hasHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpMessage
hasHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
hasHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
hasHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
hasHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
hasHighlightColor() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Annotations
hasNotes() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Annotations
hasNumber(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Determines if the object contains the given key, and if the corresponding value is a number.
hasObject(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Determines if the object contains the given key, and if the corresponding value is an object.
hasParameter(HttpParameter) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
hasParameter(HttpParameter) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
hasParameter(HttpParameter) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
hasParameter(String, HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
hasParameter(String, HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
hasParameter(String, HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
hasParameters() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
hasParameters() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
hasParameters() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
hasParameters(HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
hasParameters(HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
hasParameters(HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
hasResponse() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
hasResponse() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerCaptureHttpRequestResponse
hasResponse() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerHttpRequestResponse
hasResponse() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
hasString(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Determines if the object contains the given key, and if the corresponding value is a string.
header(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
header(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
header(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpMessage
header(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
header(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
header(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
header(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
HEADER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
HEADER_TAGS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
headers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
HTTP headers contained in the message.
headers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
HTTP headers contained in the message.
headers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpMessage
HTTP headers contained in the message.
headers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
HTTP headers contained in the message.
headers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
HTTP headers contained in the message.
headers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
HTTP headers contained in the message.
headers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
HTTP headers contained in the message.
headerValue(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
headerValue(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
headerValue(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpMessage
headerValue(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
headerValue(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
headerValue(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
headerValue(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueSeverity
highlightColor() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Annotations
highlightColor(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.HighlightColor
Create HighlightColor from display name string.
highlightColor(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
HighlightColor - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.core
Colors that can be used for highlights in Burp Suite.
HINFO - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
Host Information
history() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.Proxy
This method returns details of all items in the Proxy HTTP history.
history(ProxyHistoryFilter) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.Proxy
This method returns details of items in the Proxy HTTP history based on the filter.
host() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.HttpService
host() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
HTML - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
HTML - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.ReportFormat
HtmlEncoding - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.utilities
This enum defines HTML encodings.
htmlUtils() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Utilities
HtmlUtils - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities
This interface gives you access to HTML encoding and decoding features.
http() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access the functionality related to HTTP requests and responses.
Http - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http
Provides access HTTP related functionality of Burp.
HTTP - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.InteractionType
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTP - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.HttpProtocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTP_1 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.HttpMode
Use HTTP 1 protocol for the connection.
Will error if server is HTTP 2 only.
HTTP_2 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.HttpMode
Use HTTP 2 protocol for the connection.
Will error if server is HTTP 1 only.
HTTP_2_IGNORE_ALPN - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.HttpMode
Force HTTP 2 and ignore ALPN.
Will not error if server is HTTP 1 only.
http2Request(HttpService, List<HttpHeader>, ByteArray) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a new instance of HttpRequest containing HTTP 2 headers and body.
http2Request(HttpService, List<HttpHeader>, ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
http2Request(HttpService, List<HttpHeader>, String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a new instance of HttpRequest containing HTTP 2 headers and body.
http2Request(HttpService, List<HttpHeader>, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpDetails() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.Interaction
HTTP interaction details.
HttpDetails - Interface in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
Provides information about an HTTP interaction detected by Burp Collaborator.
HttpHandler - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.handler
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Http.registerHttpHandler(burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpHandler) to register an HTTP handler.
httpHeader(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpHeader
Create a new instance of HttpHeader from a String header representation.
httpHeader(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpHeader(String, String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpHeader
Create a new instance of HttpHeader from name and value.
httpHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
HttpHeader - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.message
Burp HTTP header able to retrieve to hold details about an HTTP header.
HttpMessage - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.message
Burp message retrieve common information shared by HttpRequest and HttpResponse.
HttpMode - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.http
HTTP modes when sending a request.
HttpParameter - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.message.params
Burp HTTP parameter able to retrieve to hold details about an HTTP request parameter.
HttpParameterType - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.http.message.params
HTTP parameter types.
HttpProtocol - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.http
HTTP protocols.
httpRequest() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a new empty instance of HttpRequest.
httpRequest() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpRequest(ByteArray) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a new instance of HttpRequest.
httpRequest(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpRequest(HttpService, ByteArray) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a new instance of HttpRequest.
httpRequest(HttpService, ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpRequest(HttpService, String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a new instance of HttpRequest.
httpRequest(HttpService, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpRequest(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a new instance of HttpRequest.
httpRequest(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
HttpRequest - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests
Burp HTTP request able to retrieve and modify details of an HTTP request.
HttpRequestEditor - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.editor
Provides extensions with an instance of Burp Suites HTTP request editor to use in their own user interface.
HttpRequestEditorProvider - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension
Extensions can register an instance of this interface to provide custom HTTP request editors within Burp's user interface.
httpRequestFromUrl(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a new instance of HttpRequest.
httpRequestFromUrl(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpRequestKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for HttpRequest values.
httpRequestListKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for HttpRequest Lists.
httpRequestResponse(HttpRequest, HttpResponse) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
Create a new instance of HttpRequestResponse.
httpRequestResponse(HttpRequest, HttpResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpRequestResponse(HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Annotations) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
Create a new instance of HttpRequestResponse.
httpRequestResponse(HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Annotations) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
HttpRequestResponse - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.message
This interface is used to define a coupling between HttpRequest and HttpResponse.
httpRequestResponseKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for HttpRequestResponse values.
httpRequestResponseListKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for HttpRequestResponse Lists.
httpRequestTemplate(ByteArray, HttpRequestTemplateGenerationOptions) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpRequestTemplate(ByteArray, HttpRequestTemplateGenerationOptions) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.HttpRequestTemplate
Create a new HttpRequestTemplate instance from an HTTP request in a byte array form with insertion point offsets at each URL, cookie, and body parameter position.
httpRequestTemplate(ByteArray, List<Range>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpRequestTemplate(ByteArray, List<Range>) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.HttpRequestTemplate
Create a new HttpRequestTemplate instance from an HTTP request in a byte array form and a list of insertion point offsets.
httpRequestTemplate(HttpRequest, HttpRequestTemplateGenerationOptions) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpRequestTemplate(HttpRequest, HttpRequestTemplateGenerationOptions) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.HttpRequestTemplate
Create a new HttpRequestTemplate instance from an HttpRequest object with insertion point offsets at each URL, cookie, and body parameter position.
httpRequestTemplate(HttpRequest, List<Range>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpRequestTemplate(HttpRequest, List<Range>) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.HttpRequestTemplate
Create a new HttpRequestTemplate instance from an HttpRequest object and a list of insertion point offsets.
HttpRequestTemplate - Interface in burp.api.montoya.intruder
Intruder request template, which contains the HTTP request and insertion point offsets.
HttpRequestTemplateGenerationOptions - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.intruder
Options that can be used to generate a new HttpRequestTemplate.
HttpRequestToBeSent - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.handler
Burp HttpRequest with additional methods to retrieve Annotations and ToolSource of the request.
httpResponse() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a new empty instance of HttpResponse.
httpResponse() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpResponse(ByteArray) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a new instance of HttpResponse.
httpResponse(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpResponse(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a new instance of HttpResponse.
httpResponse(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
HttpResponse - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses
Burp HTTP response able to retrieve and modify details about an HTTP response.
HttpResponseEditor - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.editor
Provides extensions with an instance of Burp Suites HTTP response editor to use in their own user interface.
HttpResponseEditorProvider - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension
Extensions can register an instance of this interface to provide custom HTTP response editors within Burp's user interface.
httpResponseKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for HttpResponse values.
httpResponseListKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for HttpResponse Lists.
HttpResponseReceived - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.handler
Burp HttpResponse with additional methods to retrieve initiating HttpRequest as well as the Annotations and ToolSource of the request.
HTTPS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
HTTPS Binding
HTTPS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.HttpProtocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
httpService() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
HTTP service for the request.
httpService() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
HTTP service for the request.
httpService() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
HTTP service for the request.
httpService() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.AttackConfiguration
HttpService for the attack.
httpService() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerCaptureHttpRequestResponse
HTTP service for the request.
httpService() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerHttpRequestResponse
HTTP service for the request.
httpService() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
HTTP service for the request.
httpService() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
HTTP service for the request.
httpService() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssue
HTTP service for which the issue was generated.
httpService(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.HttpService
Create a new instance of HttpService.
httpService(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpService(String, boolean) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.HttpService
Create a new instance of HttpService.
httpService(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
httpService(String, int, boolean) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.HttpService
Create a new instance of HttpService.
httpService(String, int, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
HttpService - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http
Burp HTTP service providing details about an HTTP service, to which HTTP requests can be sent.
httpServiceString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
HttpTransformation - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests
This enum defines transformations that Burp can apply to an HTTP request.
httpVersion() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
HTTP Version text parsed from the request line for HTTP 1 messages.
httpVersion() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Return the HTTP Version text parsed from the response line for HTTP 1 messages.
httpVersion() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpMessage
HTTP Version text parsed from the request or response line for HTTP 1 messages.
httpVersion() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
HTTP Version text parsed from the request or response line for HTTP 1 messages.
httpVersion() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
HTTP Version text parsed from the request or response line for HTTP 1 messages.
httpVersion() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
HTTP Version text parsed from the request line for HTTP 1 messages.
httpVersion() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Return the HTTP Version text parsed from the response line for HTTP 1 messages.


id() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.CollaboratorPayload
Payload's interaction id.
id() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.Interaction
Interaction id.
id() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.project.Project
Retrieves the unique identifier of the current project.
IMAGE_BMP - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
IMAGE_GIF - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
IMAGE_JPEG - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
IMAGE_PNG - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
IMAGE_SVG_XML - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
IMAGE_TIFF - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
IMAGE_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
importBCheck(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.bchecks.BChecks
This method can be used to import a BCheck.
importBCheck(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.bchecks.BChecks
This method can be used to import a BCheck.
importErrors() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.bchecks.BCheckImportResult
importProjectOptionsFromJson(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.BurpSuite
Import a new project-level configuration from the JSON String provided.
importUserOptionsFromJson(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.BurpSuite
Import a new user-level configuration from the JSON String provided.
IN_SCOPE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.RedirectionMode
Only follow redirects if the redirect location is in scope.
includeInScope(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scope.Scope
This method can be used to include the specified URL in the Suite-wide target scope.
indexOf(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.ByteUtils
This method searches a piece of data for the first occurrence of a specified pattern.
indexOf(byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.ByteUtils
This method searches a piece of data for the first occurrence of a specified pattern.
indexOf(byte[], byte[], boolean, int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.ByteUtils
This method searches a piece of data for the first occurrence of a specified pattern.
indexOf(byte[], Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.ByteUtils
This method searches a piece of data for the first occurrence of a specified pattern.
indexOf(byte[], Pattern, int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.ByteUtils
This method searches a piece of data for the first occurrence of a specified pattern.
indexOf(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray for the first occurrence of a specified term.
indexOf(ByteArray, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray for the first occurrence of a specified term.
indexOf(ByteArray, boolean, int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray for the first occurrence of a specified term.
indexOf(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray for the first occurrence of a specified term.
indexOf(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray for the first occurrence of a specified term.
indexOf(String, boolean, int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray for the first occurrence of a specified term.
indexOf(Pattern) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray for the first occurrence of a specified pattern.
indexOf(Pattern, int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Searches the data in the ByteArray for the first occurrence of a specified pattern.
inferredMimeType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Obtain the MIME type of the response, as inferred from the contents of the HTTP message body.
inferredMimeType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Obtain the MIME type of the response, as inferred from the contents of the HTTP message body.
inferredMimeType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Obtain the MIME type of the response, as inferred from the contents of the HTTP message body.
INFORMATION - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueSeverity
INITIAL_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
initialize(MontoyaApi) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.BurpExtension
Invoked when the extension is loaded.
initiatingRequest() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
initiatingRequest() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
INPUT_IMAGE_LABELS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
INPUT_SUBMIT_LABELS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
inputEvent() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.ComponentEvent
This method can be used to retrieve the native Java input event that was the trigger for the context menu invocation.
insertionPoint() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadData
insertionPointCount() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.Audit
This method retrieves the number of insertion points.
insertionPointOffsets() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.HttpRequestTemplate
Insertion point offsets for an Intruder attack.
integerKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for Integer values.
integerKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for Integer values.
integerListKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for Integer Lists.
Interaction - Interface in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
Provides details of an interaction with the Burp Collaborator server.
InteractionFilter - Interface in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
Provides a filtering mechanism for use when retrieving interactions from the Burp Collaborator server.
InteractionId - Interface in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
Burp Collaborator interaction id.
interactionIdFilter(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.InteractionFilter
Construct a InteractionFilter that matches any interaction with the specified interaction id.
interactionIdFilter(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
interactionPayloadFilter(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.InteractionFilter
Construct an InteractionFilter that matches any interaction with the specified payload.
interactionPayloadFilter(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
InteractionType - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
Possible types of interaction with Burp Collaborator.
intercept(ByteArray) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.BinaryMessageReceivedAction
Build a binary WebSocket message to be intercepted within the Proxy.
intercept(HttpRequest) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestReceivedAction
This method can be used to create a result that causes Burp Proxy to present the request to the user for manual review or modification.
Annotations are not modified.
intercept(HttpRequest, Annotations) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestReceivedAction
This method can be used to create a result that causes Burp Proxy to present the request to the user for manual review or modification.
intercept(HttpResponse) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseReceivedAction
This method can be used to create an action that causes Burp Proxy to present the response to the user for manual review or modification.
Annotations are not modified.
intercept(HttpResponse, Annotations) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseReceivedAction
This method can be used to create an action that causes Burp Proxy to present the response to the user for manual review or modification.
intercept(BinaryMessage) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.BinaryMessageReceivedAction
Build a binary WebSocket message to be intercepted within the Proxy.
intercept(TextMessage) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.TextMessageReceivedAction
Build a text WebSocket message to be intercepted within the Proxy.
intercept(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.TextMessageReceivedAction
Build a text WebSocket message to be intercepted within the Proxy.
INTERCEPT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.proxy.MessageReceivedAction
Causes Burp Proxy to present the message to the user for manual review or modification.
InterceptedBinaryMessage - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket
InterceptedHttpMessage - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.http
HTTP message intercepted by Burp Proxy.
InterceptedRequest - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.http
HTTP request intercepted by Burp Proxy.
InterceptedResponse - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.http
HTTP response intercepted by Burp Proxy.
InterceptedTextMessage - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket
interceptInitialProxyBinaryMessage(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
interceptInitialProxyTextMessage(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
intruder() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access the functionality of the Intruder.
Intruder - Interface in burp.api.montoya.intruder
Provides access to the functionality of the Burp Intruder tool.
INTRUDER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
INTRUDER_ATTACK_RESULTS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
INTRUDER_PAYLOAD_POSITIONS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
IntruderInsertionPoint - Interface in burp.api.montoya.intruder
Intruder insertion point for attack payloads.
INVALID_HOST - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketCreationStatus
Specified host was invalid.
INVALID_PORT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketCreationStatus
Specified port was invalid.
INVALID_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketCreationStatus
Specified upgrade request was invalid.
invariantAttributes() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.ResponseVariationsAnalyzer
invariantKeywords() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.ResponseKeywordsAnalyzer
InvocationSource - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu
Provides information about the source from which a context menu was invoked.
invocationType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationSource
InvocationType - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu
An enum containing different types of context menu invocations.
ipAddress() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.HttpService
Dynamically resolve the host to an IP address.
isArray() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Checks if this JsonNode is an array.
isBapp() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.extension.Extension
Determines whether the current extension was loaded as a BApp.
isBoolean() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Checks if this JsonNode is a boolean.
isEnabled() - Method in interface
Allows an extension to determine if it has access to AI functionality.
isEnabledFor(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedEditor
A check to determine if the HTTP message editor is enabled for a specific HttpRequestResponse
isEnabledFor(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedHttpRequestEditor
A check to determine if the HTTP message editor is enabled for a specific HttpRequestResponse
isEnabledFor(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedHttpResponseEditor
A check to determine if the HTTP message editor is enabled for a specific HttpRequestResponse
isEnabledFor(WebSocketMessage) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedWebSocketMessageEditor
A check to determine if the Web Socket editor is enabled for a specific WebSocketMessage message
isFrom(InvocationType...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationSource
A helper method to allow the extension to ask if the context is within a set of locations.
isFromTool(ToolType...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ToolSource
Determine whether this tool source is from a specified tool.
isInScope() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
isInScope() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
isInScope() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
isInScope(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scope.Scope
This method can be used to query whether a specified URL is within the current Suite-wide target scope.
isInterceptEnabled() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.Proxy
isLiteralAddress() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.CollaboratorServer
Indicates whether the server address is an IP address.
isModified() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.Editor
isModified() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedEditor
isModified() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedHttpRequestEditor
isModified() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedHttpResponseEditor
isModified() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedWebSocketMessageEditor
isModified() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.HttpRequestEditor
isModified() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.HttpResponseEditor
isModified() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.RawEditor
isModified() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.WebSocketMessageEditor
isNull() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Checks if this JsonNode is null.
isNumber() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Checks if this JsonNode is a number.
isObject() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Checks if this JsonNode is an object.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.WebSocketEditorEvent
isRegistered() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Registration
Determines whether the object registered by the extension is currently registered.
isSessionHandlingEvent() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerCaptureHttpRequestResponse
isStatusCodeClass(StatusCodeClass) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Test whether the status code is in the specified class.
isStatusCodeClass(StatusCodeClass) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Test whether the status code is in the specified class.
isStatusCodeClass(StatusCodeClass) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Test whether the status code is in the specified class.
isString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Checks if this JsonNode is a string.
issueHighlights(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPoint
Determine the offsets of the payload value within the request, when it is placed into the insertion point.
issues() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.Audit
This method retrieves the audit issues found by this audit.
issues() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.sitemap.SiteMap
This method returns all the current audit issues for URLs in the site map.
issues() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.sitemap.SiteMapNode
Retrieve the list of AuditIssue associated with the site map's node.
issues(SiteMapFilter) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.sitemap.SiteMap
This method returns current audit issues for URLs in the site map that are matched by the SiteMapFilter object.
isValidJson(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonUtils
Checks if the supplied sourceJson can be parsed into one of the base JSON types - string, number, boolean, array, object or null.


JSON - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.ContentType
JSON - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
JSON - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameterType
jsonArrayNode() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
jsonArrayNode() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Creates a new empty instance of JsonArrayNode.
jsonArrayNode(JsonNode...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
jsonArrayNode(JsonNode...) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Creates a new instance of JsonArrayNode from the supplied JsonNode instances.
jsonArrayNode(List<? extends JsonNode>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
jsonArrayNode(List<? extends JsonNode>) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Creates a new instance of JsonArrayNode from the supplied list of JsonNode.
JsonArrayNode - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities.json
This interface is used to define a JSON array node.
jsonBooleanNode(boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
jsonBooleanNode(boolean) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonBooleanNode
Creates a new instance of JsonBooleanNode from the supplied boolean.
JsonBooleanNode - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities.json
This interface is used to define a JSON boolean node.
JsonException - Exception Class in burp.api.montoya.utilities.json
This class represents an exception which is thrown when attempting operations that are unsuccessful.
JsonException(String) - Constructor for exception class burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonException
jsonNode(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
jsonNode(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Creates a new instance of JsonNode from the supplied json string.
JsonNode - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities.json
This interface is used to represent a JSON node, and acts as the base for all other JsonNode types (see subinterfaces).
jsonNullNode() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
jsonNullNode() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNullNode
Creates a new instance of JsonNullNode.
JsonNullNode - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities.json
This interface is used to define a JSON null node.
jsonNumberNode(double) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
jsonNumberNode(double) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNumberNode
Creates a new instance of JsonNumberNode from the supplied double.
jsonNumberNode(long) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
jsonNumberNode(long) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNumberNode
Creates a new instance of JsonNumberNode from the supplied long.
jsonNumberNode(Number) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
jsonNumberNode(Number) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNumberNode
Creates a new instance of JsonNumberNode from the supplied number.
JsonNumberNode - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities.json
This interface is used to define a JSON number node.
jsonObjectNode() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
jsonObjectNode() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Creates a new empty instance of JsonObjectNode.
jsonObjectNode(Map<String, ? extends JsonNode>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
jsonObjectNode(Map<String, ? extends JsonNode>) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Creates a new instance of JsonObjectNode from the supplied map of String to JsonNode.
JsonObjectNode - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities.json
This interface is used to define a JSON object node.
JsonParseException - Exception Class in burp.api.montoya.utilities.json
This class represents an exception which is thrown when attempting to parse an invalid JSON structure.
JsonParseException(String) - Constructor for exception class burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonParseException
jsonStringNode(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
jsonStringNode(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonStringNode
Creates a new instance of JsonStringNode from the supplied string.
JsonStringNode - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities.json
This interface is used to define a JSON string node.
jsonUtils() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Utilities
JsonUtils - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities.json
This interface enables you to access convenient methods to read and manipulate JSON.


KECCAK_224 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
KECCAK_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
KECCAK_288 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
KECCAK_384 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
KECCAK_512 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
KEEP_BOTH - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.ConsolidationAction
KEEP_EXISTING - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.ConsolidationAction
KEEP_NEW - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.ConsolidationAction
keyword() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.KeywordCount
KeywordCount - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis
Stores the number of types a given keyword appeared in a response.
keywordCounts(String...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Retrieve the number of types given keywords appear in the response.
keywordCounts(String...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Retrieve the number of types given keywords appear in the response.
keywordCounts(String...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Retrieve the number of types given keywords appear in the response.


LAST_MODIFIED_HEADER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
LEGACY_ACTIVE_AUDIT_CHECKS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.BuiltInAuditConfiguration
LEGACY_PASSIVE_AUDIT_CHECKS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.BuiltInAuditConfiguration
LEGACY_SER_AMF - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
length() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Number of bytes stored in the ByteArray.
LIGHT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.Theme
LIMITED_BODY_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
LINE_COUNT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
listenerInterface() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedHttpMessage
This method retrieves the name of the Burp Proxy listener that is processing the intercepted message.
listenerInterface() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
This method retrieves the name of the Burp Proxy listener that is processing the intercepted message.
listenerInterface() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
This method retrieves the name of the Burp Proxy listener that is processing the intercepted message.
listenerPort() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
Returns the proxy listener port used for the request/response.
listenerPort() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyWebSocketMessage
Returns the proxy listener port used for the web socket message.
LOADED_WITH_ERRORS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.bchecks.BCheckImportResult.Status
LOADED_WITHOUT_ERRORS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.bchecks.BCheckImportResult.Status
LOCATION - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
Location syntax: - Search tag in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonUtils
LOGGER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
LoggerCaptureHttpRequestResponse - Interface in burp.api.montoya.logger
This interface is used to define a coupling between HttpRequest and HttpResponse that could potentially be recorded in the Logger.
LoggerHttpRequestResponse - Interface in burp.api.montoya.logger
This interface is used to define a coupling between HttpRequest and HttpResponse for the Logger.
logging() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access the functionality related to logging and events.
Logging - Interface in burp.api.montoya.logging
Provides access to the functionality related to logging and events.
logToError(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logging.Logging
This method prints a line of output to the current extension's standard error stream.
logToError(String, Throwable) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logging.Logging
This method prints a message and a stack trace to the current extension's standard error stream.
logToError(Throwable) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logging.Logging
This method prints a stack trace to the current extension's standard error stream.
logToOutput(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logging.Logging
This method prints a line of output to the current extension's standard output stream.
longKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for Long values.
longKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for Long values.
longListKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for Long Lists.
LOW - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueSeverity


macroRequestResponses() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.sessions.SessionHandlingActionData
If the action is invoked following execution of a macro, this method contains the result of executing the macro.
MAGENTA - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.HighlightColor
major() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Version
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
MalformedRequestException - Exception Class in burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests
This class represents an exception which is thrown when trying to retrieve attributes from a malformed request.
MalformedRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception class burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.MalformedRequestException
marker(int, int) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Marker
Create a marker object from two indices representing a range.
marker(int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
marker(Range) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Marker
Create a marker object with a range.
marker(Range) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
Marker - Interface in burp.api.montoya.core
Marker containing a range representing interesting data in requests and responses.
markers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Markers for the message.
markers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Markers for the message.
markers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpMessage
Markers for the message.
markers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Markers for the message.
markers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Markers for the message.
markers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Markers for the message.
markers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Markers for the message.
matches(CollaboratorServer, Interaction) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.InteractionFilter
This method is invoked for each interaction retrieved from the Collaborator server and determines whether the interaction should be included in the list of interactions returned.
matches(ProxyHttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHistoryFilter
This method is invoked for every item in the Proxy history to determine whether it should be included in the filtered list of items.
matches(ProxyWebSocketMessage) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyWebSocketHistoryFilter
This method is invoked for every item in the Proxy WebSockets history to determine whether it should be included in the filtered list of items.
matches(SiteMapNode) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.sitemap.SiteMapFilter
Invoked by Burp to check whether a given site map node matches the filter.
MD2 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
MD4 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
MD5 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueSeverity
menu(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
menu(String) - Static method in interface
Create a new instance of Menu.
Menu - Interface in
A menu to be displayed in the MenuBar.
menuBar() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.UserInterface
MenuBar - Interface in
The top menu bar for the main suite frame.
MenuItem - Interface in
An item to be displayed in a Menu.
menuItems() - Method in interface
The list of MenuItem that will be displayed in the menu.
Message - Interface in
Interface used to represent different types of message used by AI chat prompts.
MESSAGE_EDITOR_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
MESSAGE_EDITOR_RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
MESSAGE_VIEWER_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
MESSAGE_VIEWER_RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
MessageAction - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.websocket
This enum represents the action to be applied to a TextMessageAction or BinaryMessageAction.
MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu
This class contains information about a user selection of a request or response within a Burp Suite message editor.
MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse.SelectionContext - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu
messageEditorRequestResponse() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.ContextMenuEvent
This method can be used to retrieve details of the currently selected HTTP request/response when the context menu was invoked.
messageEditorWebSocket() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.WebSocketContextMenuEvent
This method can be used to retrieve details of the currently selected WebSocket message when the context menu was invoked from an editor.
MessageHandler - Interface in burp.api.montoya.websocket
This interface allows an extension to be notified when messages are received or the WebSocket has been closed.
messageId() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
messageId() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
messageId() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedHttpMessage
This method retrieves a unique ID for this request/response.
messageId() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
This method retrieves a unique ID for this request/response.
messageId() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
This method retrieves a unique ID for this request/response.
MessageReceivedAction - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.proxy
This enum represents the initial action to be taken when intercepting HTTP and WebSocket messages in the Proxy.
MessageToBeSentAction - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.proxy
This enum represents the final action to be taken when intercepting HTTP and WebSocket messages in the Proxy.
method() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
HTTP method for the request.
method() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
HTTP method for the request.
method() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
HTTP method for the request.
method() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
mimeType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Obtain the MIME type of the response, as determined by Burp Suite.
mimeType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Obtain the MIME type of the response, as determined by Burp Suite.
mimeType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerCaptureHttpRequestResponse
Obtain the MIME type of the response or request, as determined by Burp Suite.
mimeType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerHttpRequestResponse
Obtain the MIME type of the response or request, as determined by Burp Suite.
mimeType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Obtain the MIME type of the response, as determined by Burp Suite.
mimeType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
Obtain the MIME type of the response or request, as determined by Burp Suite.
MimeType - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.http.message
MIME types that are recognised by Burp.
minor() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Version
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
MontoyaApi - Interface in burp.api.montoya
This interface is used by Burp Suite to pass a set of methods to extensions that can be used to perform various actions within Burp.
MontoyaObjectFactory - Interface in burp.api.montoya.internal
MULTIPART - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.ContentType
MULTIPART_ATTRIBUTE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameterType
MX - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
Mail exchange record


name() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Version
The product name (e.g.
name() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.Cookie
name() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpHeader
name() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameter
name() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.ParsedHttpParameter
name() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.sessions.SessionHandlingAction
name() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.project.Project
Retrieves the name of the current project.
name() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPoint
Name of this insertion point.
name() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssue
Name of this issue type.
name() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueDefinition
Name of this issue type.
nameOffsets() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.ParsedHttpParameter
Offsets of the parameter name within the HTTP request.
NAPTR - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
Naming Authority Pointer
NEVER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.RedirectionMode
Never follow redirects.
NO_PADDING - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.Base64EncodingOptions
Encode without adding any padding characters at the end of the data.
NON_HIDDEN_FORM_INPUT_TYPES - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
NON_UPGRADE_RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketCreationStatus
Server returned a non-upgrade response.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.HighlightColor
NONE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.ContentType
NONE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
notes() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Annotations
NS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
Name Server Record
numberUtils() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Utilities
NumberUtils - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities
This interface gives you access to number string conversion features.


ObjectFactoryLocator - Class in burp.api.montoya.internal
ObjectFactoryLocator() - Constructor for class burp.api.montoya.internal.ObjectFactoryLocator
offsets() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.Selection
onClose() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.ProxyMessageHandler
Invoked when the WebSocket is closed.
onClose() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketMessageHandler
Invoked when the WebSocket is closed.
onClose() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.MessageHandler
Invoked when the WebSocket is closed.
ORANGE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.HighlightColor
organizer() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access the functionality of the Organizer.
Organizer - Interface in burp.api.montoya.organizer
Provides access to the functionality of the Organizer tool.
ORGANIZER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
originalPayload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadData
originalResponse() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
This method retrieves the HTTP response that was received by Burp Proxy.
OUTBOUND_EDGE_COUNT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
OUTBOUND_EDGE_TAG_NAMES - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
output() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logging.Logging


PAGE_TITLE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
pageTitle() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerCaptureHttpRequestResponse
The page title for the response.
pageTitle() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerHttpRequestResponse
The page title for the response.
PARALLEL_HASH_128_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
PARALLEL_HASH_256_512 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
PARAM_AMF - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
PARAM_BODY - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
PARAM_COOKIE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
PARAM_JSON - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
PARAM_MULTIPART_ATTR - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
PARAM_NAME_BODY - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
PARAM_NAME_URL - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
PARAM_URL - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
PARAM_XML - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
PARAM_XML_ATTR - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
parameter(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
parameter(String, HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
parameter(String, HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
parameter(String, HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
parameter(String, String, HttpParameterType) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameter
Create a new Instance of HttpParameter with the specified type.
parameter(String, String, HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
parameters() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
parameters() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
parameters() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
parameters(HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
parameters(HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
parameters(HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
parameterValue(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
parameterValue(String, HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
parameterValue(String, HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
parameterValue(String, HttpParameterType) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
ParsedHttpParameter - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.message.params
Burp HttpParameter with additional details about an HTTP request parameter that has been parsed by Burp.
passiveAudit(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.ScanCheck
The Scanner invokes this method for each base request / response that is passively audited.
path() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Request path including the query parameters.
path() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.Cookie
Path for which the cookie is in scope.
path() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Request path including the query parameters.
path() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Request path including the query parameters.
path() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
pathWithoutQuery() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Request path excluding the query parameters.
pathWithoutQuery() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Request path excluding the query parameters.
pathWithoutQuery() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Request path excluding the query parameters.
PAUSED - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.TaskExecutionEngine.TaskExecutionEngineState
payload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyWebSocketMessage
payload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.BinaryMessageReceivedAction
payload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.BinaryMessageToBeSentAction
payload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.InterceptedBinaryMessage
payload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.InterceptedTextMessage
payload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.TextMessageReceivedAction
payload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.TextMessageToBeSentAction
payload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.WebSocketMessage
payload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.BinaryMessage
payload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.BinaryMessageAction
payload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.TextMessage
payload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.TextMessageAction
payload(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
payload(ByteArray) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.GeneratedPayload
Create a new GeneratedPayload instance from a byte array payload value.
payload(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
payload(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.GeneratedPayload
Create a new GeneratedPayload instance from a String payload value.
PayloadData - Interface in burp.api.montoya.intruder
Contains information about the payload
payloadEnd() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
PayloadGenerator - Interface in burp.api.montoya.intruder
Intruder payload generator.
PayloadGeneratorProvider - Interface in burp.api.montoya.intruder
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Intruder.registerPayloadGeneratorProvider(burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadGeneratorProvider) to register a provider for custom Intruder payload generators.
PayloadOption - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
Options that can be specified when generating Burp Collaborator payloads.
PayloadProcessingAction - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.intruder
Instructions that the payload processor can give Intruder for the current payload.
payloadProcessingResult(ByteArray, PayloadProcessingAction) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
payloadProcessingResult(ByteArray, PayloadProcessingAction) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadProcessingResult
PayloadProcessingResult - Interface in burp.api.montoya.intruder
An instance of this interface should be returned by PayloadProcessor.processPayload(burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadData) if a custom PayloadProcessor was registered with Intruder.
PayloadProcessor - Interface in burp.api.montoya.intruder
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Intruder.registerPayloadProcessor(burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadProcessor) to register a custom Intruder payload processor.
performAction(SessionHandlingActionData) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.sessions.SessionHandlingAction
Invoked when the session handling action should be executed.
This may happen as an action in its own right, or as a sub-action following execution of a macro.
It can issue additional requests of its own if necessary, and can return a modified base request in the ActionResult
persistedBooleanList() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
persistedBooleanList() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedList
Create a new instance of PersistedList that contains instances of Boolean.
persistedByteArrayList() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
persistedByteArrayList() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedList
Create a new instance of PersistedList that contains instances of ByteArray.
persistedHttpRequestList() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
persistedHttpRequestList() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedList
Create a new instance of PersistedList that contains instances of HttpRequest.
persistedHttpRequestResponseList() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
persistedHttpRequestResponseList() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedList
Create a new instance of PersistedList that contains instances of HttpRequestResponse.
persistedHttpResponseList() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
persistedHttpResponseList() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedList
Create a new instance of PersistedList that contains instances of HttpResponse.
persistedIntegerList() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
persistedIntegerList() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedList
Create a new instance of PersistedList that contains instances of Integer.
PersistedList<T> - Interface in burp.api.montoya.persistence
List that has been persisted in the project.
persistedLongList() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
persistedLongList() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedList
Create a new instance of PersistedList that contains instances of Long.
persistedObject() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
persistedObject() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Create a new instance of PersistedObject.
PersistedObject - Interface in burp.api.montoya.persistence
[Professional only] Enables data to be stored and accessed from the Burp project.
persistedShortList() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
persistedShortList() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedList
Create a new instance of PersistedList that contains instances of Short.
persistedStringList() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
persistedStringList() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedList
Create a new instance of PersistedList that contains instances of String.
persistence() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access the functionality related to persistence.
Persistence - Interface in burp.api.montoya.persistence
Provides access to the persistence functionality.
PINK - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.HighlightColor
PLAIN_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
port() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.HttpService
port() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
preferences() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Persistence
Access Java preference store functionality in a way that survives reloads of the extension and of Burp Suite.
Preferences - Interface in burp.api.montoya.persistence
Enables data to be stored and accessed from the Java preference store.
prefixFilter(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
prefixFilter(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.sitemap.SiteMapFilter
This method returns a site map filter object that matches site map nodes with URLs starting with the specified prefix.
PRINTABLE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.RandomUtils.CharacterSet
processedPayload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadProcessingResult
processPayload(PayloadData) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadProcessor
Invoked by Burp each time the processor should be applied to an Intruder payload.
PROFESSIONAL - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.BurpSuiteEdition
Burp Suite professional edition
project() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access functionality related to the project.
Project - Interface in burp.api.montoya.project
Provides access to functionality relating to the project.
prompt() - Method in interface
Access functionality related to AI chat prompts.
Prompt - Interface in
Provides access to AI chat prompt functionality.
PROMPT_USER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.ShutdownOptions
Display a dialog to the user allowing them to confirm or cancel the shutdown
PromptException - Exception Class in
This class represents an exception which is thrown when using AI chat prompt functionality.
PromptException(String) - Constructor for exception class
promptOptions() - Static method in interface
promptOptions() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
PromptOptions - Interface in
Interface used to specify options for AI chat prompts.
PromptResponse - Interface in
Represents the response from an AI chat prompt.
protocol() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.HttpDetails
HTTP protocol.
protocol() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.SmtpDetails
SMTP protocol.
provideHttpRequestEditor(EditorCreationContext) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.HttpRequestEditorProvider
Invoked by Burp when a new HTTP request editor is required from the extension.
provideHttpResponseEditor(EditorCreationContext) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.HttpResponseEditorProvider
Invoked by Burp when a new HTTP response editor is required from the extension.
provideInsertionPoints(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointProvider
The Scanner invokes this method when a request is actively audited.
provideMenuItems(AuditIssueContextMenuEvent) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.ContextMenuItemsProvider
Invoked by Burp Suite when the user requests a context menu with audit issue information in the user interface.
provideMenuItems(ContextMenuEvent) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.ContextMenuItemsProvider
Invoked by Burp Suite when the user requests a context menu with HTTP request/response information in the user interface.
provideMenuItems(WebSocketContextMenuEvent) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.ContextMenuItemsProvider
Invoked by Burp Suite when the user requests a context menu with WebSocket information in the user interface.
provideMessageEditor(EditorCreationContext) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.WebSocketMessageEditorProvider
Invoked by Burp when a new Web Socket message editor is required from the extension.
providePayloadGenerator(AttackConfiguration) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadGeneratorProvider
Invoked by Burp to obtain an instance of PayloadGenerator to add to Intruder.
proxy() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access the functionality of the Proxy.
Proxy - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy
Provides access to the functionality of the Proxy tool.
PROXY - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
PROXY_HISTORY - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
PROXY_INTERCEPT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
ProxyHistoryFilter - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Proxy.history(ProxyHistoryFilter) to get a filtered list of items in the Proxy history.
ProxyHttpRequestResponse - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy
HTTP request and response intercepted by the Proxy.
ProxyMessageHandler - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket
This interface allows an extension to be notified when messages are sent or received via the proxy WebSocket, or it has been closed.
ProxyRequestHandler - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.http
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Proxy.registerRequestHandler(ProxyRequestHandler) to register a Proxy request handler.
proxyRequestReceivedAction(HttpRequest, Annotations, MessageReceivedAction) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
proxyRequestReceivedAction(HttpRequest, Annotations, MessageReceivedAction) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestReceivedAction
This method can be used to create a default implementation of an initial intercept result for an HTTP request.
ProxyRequestReceivedAction - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.http
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a result from ProxyRequestHandler.handleRequestReceived(InterceptedRequest).
proxyRequestToBeSentAction(HttpRequest, Annotations, MessageToBeSentAction) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
proxyRequestToBeSentAction(HttpRequest, Annotations, MessageToBeSentAction) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestToBeSentAction
This method can be used to create a default implementation of a final intercept result for an HTTP request.
ProxyRequestToBeSentAction - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.http
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a result from ProxyRequestHandler.handleRequestToBeSent(InterceptedRequest).
ProxyResponseHandler - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.http
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Proxy.registerResponseHandler(ProxyResponseHandler) to register a Proxy response handler.
proxyResponseReceivedAction(HttpResponse, Annotations, MessageReceivedAction) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
proxyResponseReceivedAction(HttpResponse, Annotations, MessageReceivedAction) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseReceivedAction
This method can be used to create a default implementation of a ProxyResponseReceivedAction for an HTTP response.
ProxyResponseReceivedAction - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.http
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a result from ProxyResponseHandler.handleResponseReceived(InterceptedResponse).
ProxyResponseToBeSentAction - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.http
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a result from ProxyResponseHandler.handleResponseToBeSent(InterceptedResponse).
proxyResponseToReturnAction(HttpResponse, Annotations, MessageToBeSentAction) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
proxyResponseToReturnAction(HttpResponse, Annotations, MessageToBeSentAction) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseToBeSentAction
This method can be used to create a default implementation of a final intercept result for an HTTP response.
proxyWebSocket() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.ProxyWebSocketCreation
ProxyWebSocket - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket
ProxyWebSocket within Burp.
ProxyWebSocketCreation - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket
Information about the proxy web socket that is being created.
ProxyWebSocketCreationHandler - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Proxy.registerWebSocketCreationHandler(burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.ProxyWebSocketCreationHandler) to register a WebSocket handler.
The handler will be notified of new WebSockets being created by the Proxy tool.
ProxyWebSocketHistoryFilter - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Proxy.webSocketHistory(ProxyWebSocketHistoryFilter) to get a filtered list of items in the Proxy WebSockets history.
ProxyWebSocketMessage - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy
WebSocket message intercepted by the Proxy.
PTR - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
PTR Resource Record
PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.RandomUtils.CharacterSet
put(String, JsonNode) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Puts a JsonNode into this JsonObjectNode.
putBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Puts a double into this JsonObjectNode.
putNumber(String, double) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Puts a double into this JsonObjectNode.
putNumber(String, long) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Puts a long into this JsonObjectNode.
putNumber(String, Number) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Puts a number into this JsonObjectNode.
putString(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Puts a string into this JsonObjectNode.


query() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsDetails
Raw DNS query.
query() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
The query for the request.
queryType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsDetails
DNS query type.


raiseCriticalEvent(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logging.Logging
This method can be used to display a critical event in the Burp Suite event log.
raiseDebugEvent(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logging.Logging
This method can be used to display a debug event in the Burp Suite event log.
raiseErrorEvent(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logging.Logging
This method can be used to display an error event in the Burp Suite event log.
raiseInfoEvent(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logging.Logging
This method can be used to display an informational event in the Burp Suite event log.
randomString(int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.RandomUtils
Generate a random string using alphanumeric characters
randomString(int, int, RandomUtils.CharacterSet...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.RandomUtils
Generate a random string using the supplied RandomUtils.CharacterSet
randomString(int, int, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.RandomUtils
Generate a random string using the supplied characters
randomString(int, RandomUtils.CharacterSet...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.RandomUtils
Generate a random string using the supplied RandomUtils.CharacterSet
randomString(int, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.RandomUtils
Generate a random string using the supplied characters
randomUtils() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Utilities
RandomUtils - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities
RandomUtils.CharacterSet - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.utilities
range() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Marker
range(int, int) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Range
Create a range object from two indices.
range(int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
Range - Interface in burp.api.montoya.core
Range of integer values between two values in which the range includes the start value but excludes the end value.
RawEditor - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.editor
Provides extensions with an instance of Burp Suite's HTTP text editor to use in their own user interface.
read(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonUtils
Uses the location to work out where to read from the sourceJson.
READ_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.EditorOptions
Editor should be read only.
READ_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.EditorMode
readBoolean(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonUtils
Uses the location to work out where to read a Boolean value from the provided sourceJson.
readDouble(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonUtils
Uses the location to work out where to read a number as a Double value from the sourceJson.
readLong(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonUtils
Uses the location to work out where to read a number as a Long value from the sourceJson.
readString(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonUtils
Uses the location to work out where to read a String value from the sourceJson.
reasonPhrase() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Obtain the HTTP reason phrase contained in the response for HTTP 1 messages.
reasonPhrase() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Obtain the HTTP reason phrase contained in the response for HTTP 1 messages.
reasonPhrase() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Obtain the HTTP reason phrase contained in the response for HTTP 1 messages.
RECORDED_LOGIN_REPLAYER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
RED - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.HighlightColor
RedirectionMode - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.http
Redirection modes when sending a request.
registerAuditIssueHandler(AuditIssueHandler) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.Scanner
Register a handler which will be notified of new audit issues that are reported by the Scanner tool.
registerContextMenuItemsProvider(ContextMenuItemsProvider) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.UserInterface
This method can be used to register a provider of custom context menu items.
registerHttpHandler(HttpHandler) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.Http
Register a handler which will perform an action when a request is about to be sent or a response was received by any Burp tool.
registerHttpRequestEditorProvider(HttpRequestEditorProvider) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.UserInterface
This method can be used to register a provider of custom HTTP request editors.
registerHttpResponseEditorProvider(HttpResponseEditorProvider) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.UserInterface
This method can be used to register a provider of custom HTTP response editors.
registerInsertionPointProvider(AuditInsertionPointProvider) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.Scanner
Register a provider of Scanner insertion points.
registerMenu(Menu) - Method in interface
Register a menu to be added to the menu bar.
registerMenu(JMenu) - Method in interface
Register a menu to be added to the menu bar.
registerMessageHandler(ExtensionWebSocketMessageHandler) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocket
Register an interface that is notified when messages arrive from the server.
registerMessageHandler(MessageHandler) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.WebSocket
Register a handler which will perform an action when a message is sent to or received from the application.
registerPayloadGeneratorProvider(PayloadGeneratorProvider) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.Intruder
Register a provider for Intruder payloads.
registerPayloadProcessor(PayloadProcessor) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.Intruder
Register a custom Intruder payload processor.
registerProxyMessageHandler(ProxyMessageHandler) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.ProxyWebSocket
Register a handler which will perform actions when messages are sent or received by the WebSocket.
registerRequestHandler(ProxyRequestHandler) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.Proxy
Register a handler which will be notified of requests being processed by the Proxy tool.
registerResponseHandler(ProxyResponseHandler) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.Proxy
Register a handler which will be notified of responses being processed by the Proxy tool.
registerScanCheck(ScanCheck) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.Scanner
Register a custom Scanner check.
registerScopeChangeHandler(ScopeChangeHandler) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scope.Scope
Register a handler which will be notified of changes to Burp's Suite-wide target scope.
registerSessionHandlingAction(SessionHandlingAction) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.Http
Register a custom session handler.
registerSuiteTab(String, Component) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.UserInterface
Add a custom tab to the main Burp Suite window.
registerUnloadingHandler(ExtensionUnloadingHandler) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.extension.Extension
Register a handler which will be notified of changes to the extension's state.
Note: Any extensions that start background threads or open system resources (such as files or database connections) should register a listener and terminate threads / close resources when the extension is unloaded.
registerWebSocketCreatedHandler(WebSocketCreatedHandler) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.WebSockets
Register a handler which will be invoked whenever a WebSocket is created by any Burp tool.
registerWebSocketCreationHandler(ProxyWebSocketCreationHandler) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.Proxy
Register a handler which will be invoked whenever a WebSocket is being created by the Proxy tool.
registerWebSocketMessageEditorProvider(WebSocketMessageEditorProvider) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.UserInterface
This method can be used to register a provider of custom Web Socket message editors.
Registration - Interface in burp.api.montoya.core
Returned when an object is registered by an extension in Burp Suite.
Remarks - Search tag in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonUtils
remediation() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssue
This method returns detailed information about the remediation for this specific instance of the issue.
remediation() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueDefinition
This method returns a background description of the remediation for this type of issue.
remove(int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonArrayNode
Removes the JsonNode at the given index.
remove(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonObjectNode
Removes the given key and corresponding JsonNode from the object.
remove(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonUtils
Creates a new JSON string where the data at the provided location is removed form the sourceJson.
repeater() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access the functionality of the Repeater.
Repeater - Interface in burp.api.montoya.repeater
Provides access to the functionality of the Repeater tool.
REPEATER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
REPLACE_BASE_PARAMETER_VALUE_WITH_OFFSETS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.intruder.HttpRequestTemplateGenerationOptions
Replace base parameter value with offsets.
ReportFormat - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.scanner
This enum represents the formats for scan reports.
request() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.RequestToBeSentAction
request() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
request() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.sessions.ActionResult
request() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.sessions.SessionHandlingActionData
request() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerCaptureHttpRequestResponse
request() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerHttpRequestResponse
request() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
request() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestReceivedAction
This method retrieves the current HTTP request to forward after any modifications by the extension.
request() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyRequestToBeSentAction
This method retrieves the current HTTP request to forward after any modifications by the extension.
request() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
This method retrieves the HTTP request that was sent by Burp Proxy.
REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse.SelectionContext
RequestAction - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.http.handler
Action to be taken when intercepting HTTP requests.
requestBody() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
requestCount() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.Audit
Number of requests that have been made for the scan task.
requestCount() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.Crawl
Number of requests that have been made for the scan task.
requestCount() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.CrawlAndAudit
Number of requests that have been made for the scan task.
requestCount() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.ScanTask
Number of requests that have been made for the scan task.
requestFinalInterceptResultContinueWith(HttpRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
requestFinalInterceptResultContinueWith(HttpRequest, Annotations) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
requestFinalInterceptResultDrop() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
requestHttpVersion() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
requestInitialInterceptResultDoNotIntercept(HttpRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
requestInitialInterceptResultDoNotIntercept(HttpRequest, Annotations) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
requestInitialInterceptResultDrop() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
requestInitialInterceptResultFollowUserRules(HttpRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
requestInitialInterceptResultFollowUserRules(HttpRequest, Annotations) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
requestInitialInterceptResultIntercept(HttpRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
requestInitialInterceptResultIntercept(HttpRequest, Annotations) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
requestMarkers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
requestOptions() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.RequestOptions
Use to obtain a new RequestOptions instance
requestOptions() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
RequestOptions - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http
Interface used to specify options for making HTTP requests.
requestResponse() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.HttpDetails
HTTP request and response.
requestResponse() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.sitemap.SiteMapNode
Retrieve the HttpRequestResponse associated with the site map's node.
requestResponse() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse
requestResponses() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssue
HTTP request/response messages that caused the issue to be generated.
requestResponses() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.sitemap.SiteMap
This method returns details of all items in the site map.
requestResponses(SiteMapFilter) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.sitemap.SiteMap
This method filters out the site map according to the passed SiteMapFilter object and returns a list of matched HttpRequestResponse items.
RequestResponseSelection - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http
Provides access to user-selected content and its start and end points in HTTP requests and responses.
requestResult(HttpRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
requestResult(HttpRequest, Annotations) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
requestSelection() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.RequestResponseSelection
Provides access to user-selected content and its start and end points from the HTTP request.
requestTemplate() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.AttackConfiguration
HTTP request template and insertion point offsets in a form of an HttpRequestTemplate instance.
RequestToBeSentAction - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.handler
An instance of this interface should be returned by HttpHandler.handleHttpRequestToBeSent(burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent) if a custom HttpHandler has been registered with Burp.
response() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.ResponseReceivedAction
response() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
response() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerCaptureHttpRequestResponse
response() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerHttpRequestResponse
response() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseReceivedAction
This method retrieves the current HTTP response to forward after any modifications by the extension.
response() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.ProxyResponseToBeSentAction
This method retrieves the current HTTP response to forward after any modifications by the extension.
response() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
This method retrieves the HTTP response that was received by Burp Proxy.
RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse.SelectionContext
ResponseAction - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.http.handler
Action to be taken when intercepting HTTP responses.
responseFinalInterceptResultContinueWith(HttpResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
responseFinalInterceptResultContinueWith(HttpResponse, Annotations) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
responseFinalInterceptResultDrop() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
responseInitialInterceptResultDoNotIntercept(HttpResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
responseInitialInterceptResultDoNotIntercept(HttpResponse, Annotations) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
responseInitialInterceptResultDrop() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
responseInitialInterceptResultFollowUserRules(HttpResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
responseInitialInterceptResultFollowUserRules(HttpResponse, Annotations) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
responseInitialInterceptResultIntercept(HttpResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
responseInitialInterceptResultIntercept(HttpResponse, Annotations) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
ResponseKeywordsAnalyzer - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis
Analyze HTTP responses and retrieve keywords.
responseMarkers() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
ResponseReceivedAction - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.handler
An instance of this interface should be returned by HttpHandler.handleHttpResponseReceived(burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived) if a custom HttpHandler has been registered with Burp.
responseResult(HttpResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
responseResult(HttpResponse, Annotations) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
responseSelection() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.RequestResponseSelection
Provides access to user-selected content and its start and end points from the HTTP response.
ResponseVariationsAnalyzer - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis
Analyze HTTP responses and find variations between them, according to various attributes.
restoreClient(SecretKey) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.Collaborator
Restore a CollaboratorClient from a previous session.
RIPEMD_128 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
RIPEMD_160 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
RIPEMD_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
RIPEMD_320 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
RTF - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
RUNNING - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.TaskExecutionEngine.TaskExecutionEngineState


SAME_HOST - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.RedirectionMode
Only follow redirects to the same host.
ScanCheck - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Scanner.registerScanCheck(ScanCheck) to register a custom Scanner check.
ScanConfiguration - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner
Configurations for the Burp Scanner tool.
scanner() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
[Professional only] Access the functionality of the Scanner.
Scanner - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner
[Professional only] Provides access to the functionality of the Scanner tool.
SCANNER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
SCANNER_RESULTS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
ScanTask - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scanner
This interface is used to retrieve details of tasks in the Burp Scanner.
scope() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access the functionality related to Burp's suite-wide target scope.
Scope - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scope
Provides access to the functionality related to Burp's Suite-wide target scope.
ScopeChange - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scope
Change to Burp's Suite-wide target scope.
scopeChanged(ScopeChange) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scope.ScopeChangeHandler
This method is invoked whenever a change occurs to Burp's Suite-wide target scope.
ScopeChangeHandler - Interface in burp.api.montoya.scope
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Scope.registerScopeChangeHandler(ScopeChangeHandler) to register a scope change handler.
SCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
SEARCH_RESULTS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
secretKey(String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.SecretKey
Create an instance of SecretKey which you will be able to use to restore a previously created CollaboratorClient with the Collaborator.restoreClient(SecretKey) method.
secretKey(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
SecretKey - Interface in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
Secret key that is associated with a CollaboratorClient
secure() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.HttpService
secure() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
seedUrls() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.CrawlConfiguration
selectedData() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedEditor
The method should return null if no data has been selected.
selectedData() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedHttpRequestEditor
The method should return null if no data has been selected.
selectedData() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedHttpResponseEditor
The method should return null if no data has been selected.
selectedData() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedWebSocketMessageEditor
The method should return null if no data has been selected.
selectedIssues() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.AuditIssueContextMenuEvent
This method can be used to retrieve details of the Scanner audit issues that were selected by the user when the context menu was invoked.
selectedIssues() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.ContextMenuEvent
selectedRequestResponses() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.ContextMenuEvent
This method can be used to retrieve details of the currently selected HTTP request/response pair that was selected by the user when the context menu was invoked.
selectedWebSocketMessages() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.WebSocketContextMenuEvent
This method can be used to retrieve details of the currently selected WebSocket messages that are selected by the user when the context menu was invoked.
selection() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.Editor
This will return Optional.empty() if the user has not made a selection.
selection() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.HttpRequestEditor
This will return Optional.empty() if the user has not made a selection.
selection() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.HttpResponseEditor
This will return Optional.empty() if the user has not made a selection.
selection() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.RawEditor
This will return Optional.empty() if the user has not made a selection.
selection() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.WebSocketMessageEditor
This will return Optional.empty() if the user has not made a selection.
selection(int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
selection(int, int) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.Selection
Create an instance of Selection without content data.
selection(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
selection(ByteArray) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.Selection
selection(ByteArray, int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
selection(ByteArray, int, int) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.Selection
Create an instance of Selection.
Selection - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui
Provides helpful information and functionality relating to a user's selection within the user interface.
selectionContext() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse
selectionOffsets() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse
This will return Optional.empty() if the user has not made a selection.
selectionOffsets() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.WebSocketEditorEvent
This will return Optional.empty() if the user has not made a selection.
sendBinaryMessage(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocket
This method allows an extension to send a binary message via the WebSocket.
sendBinaryMessage(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.WebSocket
This method allows an extension to send a binary message via the WebSocket.
sendBinaryMessage(ByteArray, Direction) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.ProxyWebSocket
This method allows an extension to send a binary message via the WebSocket to either the client or the server.
sendRequest(HttpRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.Http
Send HTTP requests and retrieve their responses.
sendRequest(HttpRequest, HttpMode) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.Http
Send HTTP requests and retrieve their responses.
sendRequest(HttpRequest, HttpMode, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.Http
Send HTTP requests and retrieve their responses.
sendRequest(HttpRequest, RequestOptions) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.Http
Send HTTP request with specific request options and retrieve its response.
sendRequests(List<HttpRequest>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.Http
Send HTTP requests in parallel and retrieve their responses.
sendRequests(List<HttpRequest>, HttpMode) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.Http
Send HTTP requests in parallel and retrieve their responses.
sendTextMessage(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocket
This method allows an extension to send a text message via the WebSocket.
sendTextMessage(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.WebSocket
This method allows an extension to send a text message via the WebSocket.
sendTextMessage(String, Direction) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.ProxyWebSocket
This method allows an extension to send a text message via the WebSocket to either the client or the server.
sendToComparer(ByteArray...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.comparer.Comparer
Send data to the Comparer tool.
sendToDecoder(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.decoder.Decoder
Send data to the Decoder tool.
sendToIntruder(HttpService, HttpRequestTemplate) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.Intruder
Send an HTTP request to the Burp Intruder tool.
sendToIntruder(HttpService, HttpRequestTemplate, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.Intruder
Send an HTTP request to the Burp Intruder tool.
sendToIntruder(HttpRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.Intruder
Send an HTTP request to the Burp Intruder tool.
sendToIntruder(HttpRequest, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.Intruder
Send an HTTP request to the Burp Intruder tool.
sendToOrganizer(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.organizer.Organizer
This method can be used to send an HTTP request and response to the Burp Organizer tool.
sendToOrganizer(HttpRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.organizer.Organizer
This method can be used to send an HTTP request to the Burp Organizer tool.
sendToRepeater(HttpRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.repeater.Repeater
This method can be used to send an HTTP request to the Burp Repeater tool.
sendToRepeater(HttpRequest, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.repeater.Repeater
This method can be used to send an HTTP request to the Burp Repeater tool.
SEQUENCER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
server() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.CollaboratorClient
Retrieve the details of the Collaborator server associated with this client.
server() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.CollaboratorPayload
Optional instance of CollaboratorServer describing the server location for this payload.
SERVER_TO_CLIENT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.Direction
SessionHandlingAction - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.sessions
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Http.registerSessionHandlingAction(burp.api.montoya.http.sessions.SessionHandlingAction) to register a custom session handling action.
SessionHandlingActionData - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.sessions
Information required for session handling.
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified boolean with the specified key in this map.
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Associates the specified boolean with the specified key in this map.
setBooleanList(String, PersistedList<Boolean>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified PersistedList of Boolean with the specified key in this map.
setByte(int, byte) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Sets the byte at the provided index to the provided byte.
setByte(int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Sets the byte at the provided index to the provided narrowed integer value.
setByte(String, byte) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified byte with the specified key in this map This is an optional operation.
setByte(String, byte) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Associates the specified byte with the specified key in this map.
setByteArray(String, ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified ByteArray with the specified key in this map.
setByteArrayList(String, PersistedList<ByteArray>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified PersistedList of ByteArray with the specified key in this map.
setBytes(int, byte...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Sets bytes starting at the specified index to the provided bytes.
setBytes(int, int...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Sets bytes starting at the specified index to the provided integers after narrowing primitive conversion to bytes.
setBytes(int, ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Sets bytes starting at the specified index to the provided bytes.
setChildObject(String, PersistedObject) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified PersistedObject with the specified key in this map.
setContents(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.WebSocketEditorEvent
This method can be used to set the content within the message editor programmatically.
setContents(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.RawEditor
This method can be used to set content within the text editor programmatically
setContents(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.WebSocketMessageEditor
This method can be used to set content within the message editor programmatically
setCookie(String, String, String, String, ZonedDateTime) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.sessions.CookieJar
Add a new HTTP cookie to the Cookie Jar.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.RawEditor
setHighlightColor(HighlightColor) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Annotations
Set (mutate) the current annotations highlight color value
setHttpRequest(String, HttpRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified HttpRequest with the specified key in this map.
setHttpRequestList(String, PersistedList<HttpRequest>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified PersistedList of HttpRequest with the specified key in this map.
setHttpRequestResponse(String, HttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified HttpRequestResponse with the specified key in this map.
setHttpRequestResponseList(String, PersistedList<HttpRequestResponse>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified PersistedList of HttpRequestResponse with the specified key in this map.
setHttpResponse(String, HttpResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified HttpResponse with the specified key in this map.
setHttpResponseList(String, PersistedList<HttpResponse>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified PersistedList of HttpResponse with the specified key in this map.
setInteger(String, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified int with the specified key in this map This is an optional operation.
setInteger(String, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Associates the specified int with the specified key in this map.
setIntegerList(String, PersistedList<Integer>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified PersistedList of Integer with the specified key in this map.
setLong(String, long) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified long with the specified key in this map.
setLong(String, long) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Associates the specified long with the specified key in this map.
setLongList(String, PersistedList<Long>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified PersistedList of Long with the specified key in this map.
setMessage(WebSocketMessage) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedWebSocketMessageEditor
Sets the provided WebSocketMessage within the editor component.
setName(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.extension.Extension
Set the display name for the current extension.
This will be displayed within the user interface for the Extensions tool and will be used to identify persisted data.
setNotes(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Annotations
Set (mutate) the current annotations notes value
setRequest(HttpRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse
Update the message editor with the HTTP request
setRequest(HttpRequest) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.HttpRequestEditor
Display the contents of an HTTP request in the editor.
setRequestResponse(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedEditor
Sets the provided HttpRequestResponse object within the editor component.
setRequestResponse(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedHttpRequestEditor
Sets the provided HttpRequestResponse object within the editor component.
setRequestResponse(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedHttpResponseEditor
Sets the provided HttpRequestResponse object within the editor component.
setResponse(HttpResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse
Update the message editor with the HTTP response
setResponse(HttpResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.HttpResponseEditor
Display the contents of an HTTP response in the editor.
setSearchExpression(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.Editor
Update the search expression that is shown in the search bar below the editor.
setSearchExpression(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.HttpRequestEditor
Update the search expression that is shown in the search bar below the editor.
setSearchExpression(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.HttpResponseEditor
Update the search expression that is shown in the search bar below the editor.
setSearchExpression(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.RawEditor
Update the search expression that is shown in the search bar below the editor.
setSearchExpression(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.WebSocketMessageEditor
Update the search expression that is shown in the search bar below the editor.
setShort(String, short) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified short with the specified key in this map This is an optional operation.
setShort(String, short) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Associates the specified short with the specified key in this map.
setShortList(String, PersistedList<Short>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified PersistedList of Short with the specified key in this map.
setState(TaskExecutionEngine.TaskExecutionEngineState) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.TaskExecutionEngine
Sets the task execution engine state
setString(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified String with the specified key in this map.
setString(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Associates the specified String with the specified key in this map.
setStringList(String, PersistedList<String>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Associates the specified PersistedList of String with the specified key in this map.
severity() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssue
Issue severity level.
SHA_1 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SHA_224 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SHA_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SHA_384 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SHA_512 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SHA_512_224 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SHA_512_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SHA3_224 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SHA3_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SHA3_384 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SHA3_512 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SHAKE_128_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SHAKE_256_512 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
shortKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for Short values.
shortKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for Short values.
shortListKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for Short Lists.
SHOW_NON_PRINTABLE_CHARACTERS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.EditorOptions
Editor should show non printable characters - only applicable for Raw Editors.
shutdown(ShutdownOptions...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.BurpSuite
Shut down Burp programmatically.
ShutdownOptions - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.burpsuite
Shutdown options that can be used when calling BurpSuite.shutdown(ShutdownOptions...).
SITE_MAP_TABLE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
SITE_MAP_TREE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
siteMap() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access the functionality of the Site Map.
SiteMap - Interface in burp.api.montoya.sitemap
Provides methods for querying and modifying Burp's site map.
SiteMapFilter - Interface in burp.api.montoya.sitemap
This interface is used to filter items when querying Burp's site map.
SiteMapNode - Interface in burp.api.montoya.sitemap
This interface is used to represent items in the Burp's site map.
SKEIN_1024_1024 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SKEIN_1024_384 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SKEIN_1024_512 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SKEIN_256_128 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SKEIN_256_160 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SKEIN_256_224 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SKEIN_256_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SKEIN_512_128 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SKEIN_512_160 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SKEIN_512_224 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SKEIN_512_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SKEIN_512_384 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SKEIN_512_512 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SKIP_PAYLOAD - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadProcessingAction
Skip the current payload
skipPayload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
skipPayload() - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadProcessingResult
Create a new instance of PayloadProcessingResult with a PayloadProcessingAction.SKIP_PAYLOAD action.
SM3 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
SMTP - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.InteractionType
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SMTP - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.SmtpProtocol
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
smtpDetails() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.Interaction
SMTP interaction details.
SmtpDetails - Interface in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
SMTP interaction detected by Burp Collaborator.
SmtpProtocol - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.collaborator
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) protocols.
SMTPS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.SmtpProtocol
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Secure
SOA - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
Start of authority record
SOUND - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
sourceIpAddress() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedHttpMessage
This method retrieves the IP address for the source of the intercepted message.
sourceIpAddress() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
This method retrieves the IP address for the source of the intercepted message.
sourceIpAddress() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
This method retrieves the IP address for the source of the intercepted message.
SRV - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
Service locator
STANDARD - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.HtmlEncoding
Encode only HTML special characters.
startAudit(AuditConfiguration) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.Scanner
This method can be used to start an audit in the Burp Scanner tool.
startCrawl(CrawlConfiguration) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.Scanner
This method can be used to start a crawl in the Burp Scanner tool.
startIndexInclusive() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Range
startStatusCodeInclusive() - Method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.StatusCodeClass
statedMimeType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Obtain the MIME type of the response, as stated in the HTTP headers.
statedMimeType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Obtain the MIME type of the response, as stated in the HTTP headers.
statedMimeType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Obtain the MIME type of the response, as stated in the HTTP headers.
status() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.bchecks.BCheckImportResult
The status of the BCheck after import
status() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketCreation
The status of the WebSocket creation attempt.
STATUS_CODE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
statusCode() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Obtain the HTTP status code contained in the response.
statusCode() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use HttpRequestResponse.response() statusCode instead.
statusCode() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Obtain the HTTP status code contained in the response.
statusCode() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Obtain the HTTP status code contained in the response.
StatusCodeClass - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.http.message
Status code classes that are defined in the HTTP standard.
statusMessage() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Task
statusMessage() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.Audit
statusMessage() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.Crawl
This functionality is not yet implemented.
statusMessage() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.CrawlAndAudit
statusMessage() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.ScanTask
STREAMING_RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketCreationStatus
Specified endpoint is configured for streaming responses.
stringKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for String values.
stringKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.Preferences
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for String values.
stringListKeys() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject
Retrieve all keys currently mapped for String Lists.
stringUtils() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Utilities
StringUtils - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities
This interface gives you access to String manipulation features.
subArray(int, int) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
New ByteArray with all bytes between the start index (inclusive) and the end index (exclusive).
subArray(Range) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
New ByteArray with all bytes in the specified range.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketCreationStatus
WebSocket creation was successful.
SUITE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
suiteFrame() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.swing.SwingUtils
swingUtils() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.UserInterface
SwingUtils - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.swing
This interface gives you access to swing utilities.
systemMessage(String) - Static method in interface
Creates a system message.
systemMessage(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory


TAG_IDS - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
TAG_NAMES - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
TARGET - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
Task - Interface in burp.api.montoya.core
Task on the Dashboard.
taskExecutionEngine() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.BurpSuite
Access the functionality of the task execution engine.
TaskExecutionEngine - Interface in burp.api.montoya.burpsuite
Provides access to the task execution engine.
TaskExecutionEngine.TaskExecutionEngineState - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.burpsuite
Task execution engine state
TENTATIVE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueConfidence
TextMessage - Interface in burp.api.montoya.websocket
textMessageAction(String, MessageAction) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
textMessageAction(String, MessageAction) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.TextMessageAction
Build a websocket text message action.
TextMessageAction - Interface in burp.api.montoya.websocket
Text WebSocket message.
textMessageReceived(TextMessage) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketMessageHandler
Invoked when a text message is received from the application.
TextMessageReceivedAction - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a text message from ProxyMessageHandler.handleTextMessageReceived(InterceptedTextMessage).
TextMessageToBeSentAction - Interface in burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a text message from ProxyMessageHandler.handleTextMessageToBeSent(InterceptedTextMessage).
Theme - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.ui
This enum contains the different themes available in Burp Suites user interface.
TIGER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
time() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerCaptureHttpRequestResponse
Returns the date and time at which Burp Logger received the request.
time() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerHttpRequestResponse
Returns the date and time at which Burp Logger received the request.
time() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
Returns the date and time at which Burp Proxy received the request.
time() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyWebSocketMessage
timeBetweenRequestSentAndEndOfResponse() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.TimingData
The time between when Burp sent the request and the end of the response being received.
timeBetweenRequestSentAndStartOfResponse() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.TimingData
The time between when Burp sent the request and the start of the response being received.
timeRequestSent() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.TimingData
The time that Burp issued the request.
timeStamp() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.Interaction
Timestamp of the interaction.
timingData() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
Retrieve the timing data associated with this request if available.
timingData() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerCaptureHttpRequestResponse
Retrieve the timing data associated with this request.
timingData() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerHttpRequestResponse
Retrieve the timing data associated with this request.
timingData() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
Retrieve the timing data associated with this request and response.
TimingData - Interface in burp.api.montoya.http.handler
Timing data
toByteArray() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Message as a byte array.
toByteArray() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Message as a byte array.
toByteArray() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpMessage
Message as a byte array.
toByteArray() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Message as a byte array.
toByteArray() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Message as a byte array.
toByteArray() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Message as a byte array.
toByteArray() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Message as a byte array.
TOGGLE_METHOD - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpTransformation
Convert a GET request into a POST request
Convert a POST request into a GET request
toJsonString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonNode
Returns this JsonNode as its string representation.
toolName() - Method in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
toolSource() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
toolSource() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
toolSource() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerCaptureHttpRequestResponse
The tool that issued the request.
toolSource() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.logger.LoggerHttpRequestResponse
The tool that issued the request.
toolSource() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.EditorCreationContext
Indicates which Burp tool is requesting the editor.
toolSource() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.WebSocketCreated
ToolSource - Interface in burp.api.montoya.core
Tool that is the source of an object.
toolType() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ToolSource
ToolType - Enum Class in burp.api.montoya.core
Tools in Burp Suite.
toString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.CollaboratorPayload
The payload.
toString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.InteractionId
Interaction id.
toString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.SecretKey
Secret key in string form.
toString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Convert the bytes of the ByteArray into String form using the encoding specified by Burp Suite.
toString() - Method in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
toString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Version
The human-readable version string.
toString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Message as a String.
toString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Message as a String.
toString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.HttpService
toString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpHeader
toString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpMessage
Message as a String.
toString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Message as a String.
toString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Message as a String.
toString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Message as a String.
toString() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Message as a String.
TUPLEHASH_128_256 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
TUPLEHASH_256_512 - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
TXT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
Text record
type() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.collaborator.Interaction
Interaction Type.
type() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameter
type() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.ParsedHttpParameter
type() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.Attribute
type() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPoint
Type of this insertion point.
typeIndex() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueDefinition
This method returns an index of the issue type.
typicalSeverity() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueDefinition
Typical issue severity level.


uiComponent() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.Editor
uiComponent() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedEditor
uiComponent() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedHttpRequestEditor
uiComponent() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedHttpResponseEditor
uiComponent() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.ExtensionProvidedWebSocketMessageEditor
uiComponent() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.HttpRequestEditor
uiComponent() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.HttpResponseEditor
uiComponent() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.RawEditor
uiComponent() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.WebSocketMessageEditor
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
Unknown / Not Mapped / Obsolete
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.ContentType
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
UNKNOWN_HOST - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketCreationStatus
Unable to resolve address for specified host.
unload() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.extension.Extension
Unload the extension from Burp Suite.
UNRECOGNIZED - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
update(String, String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.json.JsonUtils
Uses the location to create a new JSON string where the sourceJson is updated with the newJson.
updateWith(HttpResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.ResponseKeywordsAnalyzer
Update the analysis based on an additional response.
updateWith(HttpResponse) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.ResponseVariationsAnalyzer
Update the analysis based on an additional response.
upgradeRequest() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyWebSocketMessage
upgradeRequest() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.ProxyWebSocketCreation
upgradeRequest() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.WebSocketMessage
upgradeRequest() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.WebSocketCreated
upgradeResponse() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketCreation
The HTTP response from the WebSocket creation attempt.
url() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
URL for the request.
url() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
url() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
URL for the request.
url() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
URL for the request.
url() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyHttpRequestResponse
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
url() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.sitemap.SiteMapNode
Retrieve the URL associated with the site map's node.
URL - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameterType
URL - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.Base64DecodingOptions
Decode using the URL and Filename safe type base64 transcoding scheme
URL - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.Base64EncodingOptions
Encode using the URL and Filename safe type base64 transcoding scheme
URL_ENCODED - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.ContentType
URL_PATH_FILENAME - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
URL_PATH_FOLDER - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
urlParameter(String, String) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameter
Create a new Instance of HttpParameter with HttpParameterType.URL type.
urlParameter(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
urlUtils() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.utilities.Utilities
URLUtils - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities
This interface gives you access to URL encoding and decoding features.
USE_PAYLOAD - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadProcessingAction
Use the current payload
usePayload(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
usePayload(ByteArray) - Static method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadProcessingResult
Create a new instance of PayloadProcessingResult with a PayloadProcessingAction.USE_PAYLOAD action.
USER_PROVIDED - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
userInterface() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access the functionality related to the user interface.
UserInterface - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui
This interface gives you access to various user interface related features.
userMessage(String) - Static method in interface
Creates a user message.
userMessage(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.internal.MontoyaObjectFactory
utilities() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access additional utilities.
Utilities - Interface in burp.api.montoya.utilities
This interface gives you access to other interfaces that have various data conversion and querying features.


value() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.Cookie
value() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpHeader
value() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameter
value() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.ParsedHttpParameter
value() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.Attribute
value() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.intruder.GeneratedPayload
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.ShutdownOptions
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.TaskExecutionEngine.TaskExecutionEngineState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.InteractionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.PayloadOption
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.SmtpProtocol
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.BurpSuiteEdition
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.HighlightColor
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.EnhancedCapability
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.handler.RequestAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.handler.ResponseAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.HttpMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.HttpProtocol
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.ContentType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameterType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpTransformation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.StatusCodeClass
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.RedirectionMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.intruder.HttpRequestTemplateGenerationOptions
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadProcessingAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.proxy.MessageReceivedAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.proxy.MessageToBeSentAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueConfidence
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueSeverity
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.bchecks.BCheckImportResult.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.BuiltInAuditConfiguration
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.ConsolidationAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.ReportFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse.SelectionContext
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.EditorOptions
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.EditorMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.Theme
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.Base64DecodingOptions
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.Base64EncodingOptions
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.CompressionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.HtmlEncoding
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.RandomUtils.CharacterSet
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketCreationStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.MessageAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOffsets() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.ParsedHttpParameter
Offsets of the parameter value within the HTTP request.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.ShutdownOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.TaskExecutionEngine.TaskExecutionEngineState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.DnsQueryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.InteractionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.PayloadOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.SmtpProtocol
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.BurpSuiteEdition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.HighlightColor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.ToolType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.EnhancedCapability
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.handler.RequestAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.handler.ResponseAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.HttpMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.HttpProtocol
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.ContentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameterType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpTransformation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.StatusCodeClass
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.RedirectionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.intruder.HttpRequestTemplateGenerationOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadProcessingAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.proxy.MessageReceivedAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.proxy.MessageToBeSentAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.insertionpoint.AuditInsertionPointType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueConfidence
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.audit.issues.AuditIssueSeverity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.bchecks.BCheckImportResult.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.BuiltInAuditConfiguration
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.ConsolidationAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.ReportFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.InvocationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse.SelectionContext
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.EditorOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension.EditorMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.Theme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.Base64DecodingOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.Base64EncodingOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.CompressionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.HtmlEncoding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.RandomUtils.CharacterSet
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketCreationStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class burp.api.montoya.websocket.MessageAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
variantAttributes() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.ResponseVariationsAnalyzer
variantKeywords() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.ResponseKeywordsAnalyzer
version() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.burpsuite.BurpSuite
Retrieve information about the version of Burp in which the extension is running.
Version - Interface in burp.api.montoya.core
Product version.
VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
VISIBLE_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
VISIBLE_WORD_COUNT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType


webSocket() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.extension.ExtensionWebSocketCreation
The created WebSocket.
webSocket() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.websocket.WebSocketCreated
WebSocket - Interface in burp.api.montoya.websocket
WebSocket within Burp.
WebSocketContextMenuEvent - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu
WebSocketCreated - Interface in burp.api.montoya.websocket
WebSocketCreatedHandler - Interface in burp.api.montoya.websocket
Extensions can implement this interface and then call registerWebSocketCreatedHandler(burp.api.montoya.websocket.WebSocketCreatedHandler) to register a WebSocket handler.
WebSocketEditorEvent - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu
webSocketHistory() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.Proxy
This method returns details of all items in the Proxy WebSockets history.
webSocketHistory(ProxyWebSocketHistoryFilter) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.Proxy
This method returns details of items in the Proxy WebSockets history based on the filter.
webSocketId() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.ProxyWebSocketMessage
webSocketMessage() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu.WebSocketEditorEvent
WebSocketMessage - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.contextmenu
WebSocketMessageEditor - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.editor
Provides extensions with an instance of Burp Suite's WebSocket message editor to use in their own user interface.
WebSocketMessageEditorProvider - Interface in burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.extension
Extensions can register an instance of this interface to provide custom Web Socket message editors within Burp's user interface.
websockets() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi
Access the functionality related to WebSockets and messages.
WebSockets - Interface in burp.api.montoya.websocket
Provides access to WebSocket related functionality of Burp.
WHIRLPOOL - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.DigestAlgorithm
WHITESPACE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.utilities.RandomUtils.CharacterSet
windowForComponent(Component) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.ui.swing.SwingUtils
Retrieve the top-level Window containing the supplied component.
withAction(Runnable) - Method in interface
Create a copy of BasicMenuItem with a new Runnable action.
withAddedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added header.
withAddedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the added header.
withAddedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added header.
withAddedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the added header.
withAddedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added header.
withAddedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the added header.
withAddedHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added header.
withAddedHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the added header.
withAddedHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added header.
withAddedHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the added header.
withAddedHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added header.
withAddedHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the added header.
withAddedHeaders(HttpHeader...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added HTTP headers.
withAddedHeaders(HttpHeader...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the added HTTP headers.
withAddedHeaders(List<? extends HttpHeader>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added HTTP headers.
withAddedHeaders(List<? extends HttpHeader>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the added HTTP headers.
withAddedParameters(HttpParameter...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added HTTP parameters.
withAddedParameters(HttpParameter...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added HTTP parameters.
withAddedParameters(HttpParameter...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added HTTP parameters.
withAddedParameters(List<? extends HttpParameter>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added HTTP parameters.
withAddedParameters(List<? extends HttpParameter>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added HTTP parameters.
withAddedParameters(List<? extends HttpParameter>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added HTTP parameters.
withAnnotations(Annotations) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
Create a copy of the HttpRequestResponse with the added annotations.
withAppended(byte...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Create a copy of the ByteArray appended with the provided bytes.
withAppended(int...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Create a copy of the ByteArray appended with the provided integers after narrowing primitive conversion to bytes.
withAppended(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Create a copy of the ByteArray appended with the provided ByteArray.
withAppended(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.ByteArray
Create a copy of the ByteArray appended with the provided text as bytes.
withBody(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated body.
Updates Content-Length header.
withBody(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the updated body.
Updates Content-Length header.
withBody(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated body.
Updates Content-Length header.
withBody(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the updated body.
Updates Content-Length header.
withBody(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated body.
Updates Content-Length header.
withBody(ByteArray) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the updated body.
Updates Content-Length header.
withBody(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated body.
Updates Content-Length header.
withBody(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the updated body.
Updates Content-Length header.
withBody(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated body.
Updates Content-Length header.
withBody(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the updated body.
Updates Content-Length header.
withBody(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated body.
Updates Content-Length header.
withBody(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the updated body.
Updates Content-Length header.
withCaption(String) - Method in interface
Create a copy of BasicMenuItem with a new caption.
withCaption(String) - Method in interface
Create a copy of Menu with a new caption.
withConnectionId(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.RequestOptions
Specify connectionId when sending request over specific connection.
withDefaultHeaders() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with added default headers.
withDefaultHeaders() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with added default headers.
withDefaultHeaders() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with added default headers.
withHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added or updated header.
If the header exists in the request, it is updated.
If the header doesn't exist in the request, it is added.
withHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added or updated header.
If the header exists in the request, it is updated.
If the header doesn't exist in the request, it is added.
withHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added or updated header.
If the header exists in the request, it is updated.
If the header doesn't exist in the request, it is added.
withHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added or updated header.
If the header exists in the request, it is updated.
If the header doesn't exist in the request, it is added.
withHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added or updated header.
If the header exists in the request, it is updated.
If the header doesn't exist in the request, it is added.
withHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added or updated header.
If the header exists in the request, it is updated.
If the header doesn't exist in the request, it is added.
withHighlightColor(HighlightColor) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Annotations
Create a copy of the annotations with a new highlight color.
withHttpMode(HttpMode) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.RequestOptions
Specify HTTP mode to be used when request sent.
withHttpVersion(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the new http version.
withHttpVersion(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the new http version.
withHttpVersion(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the new http version.
withMarkers(Marker...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added markers.
withMarkers(Marker...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the added markers.
withMarkers(Marker...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added markers.
withMarkers(Marker...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the added markers.
withMarkers(Marker...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added markers.
withMarkers(Marker...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the added markers.
withMarkers(List<Marker>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added markers.
withMarkers(List<Marker>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the added markers.
withMarkers(List<Marker>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added markers.
withMarkers(List<Marker>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the added markers.
withMarkers(List<Marker>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the added markers.
withMarkers(List<Marker>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the added markers.
withMenuItems(MenuItem...) - Method in interface
Create a copy of Menu with one or more instances of MenuItem.
withMenuItems(List<MenuItem>) - Method in interface
Create a copy of Menu with a new list of MenuItem.
withMethod(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the new method.
withMethod(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the new method.
withMethod(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the new method.
withNotes(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.core.Annotations
Create a copy of the annotations with new notes.
WITHOUT_SERVER_LOCATION - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.collaborator.PayloadOption
Generate a payload excluding the server location
withParameter(HttpParameter) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the HTTP parameter.
If the parameter exists in the request, it is updated.
If the parameter doesn't exist in the request, it is added.
withParameter(HttpParameter) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the HTTP parameter.
If the parameter exists in the request, it is updated.
If the parameter doesn't exist in the request, it is added.
withParameter(HttpParameter) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the HTTP parameter.
If the parameter exists in the request, it is updated.
If the parameter doesn't exist in the request, it is added.
withPath(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the new path.
withPath(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the new path.
withPath(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the new path.
withReasonPhrase(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the new reason phrase.
withReasonPhrase(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the new reason phrase.
withReasonPhrase(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the new reason phrase.
withRedirectionMode(RedirectionMode) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.RequestOptions
Specify redirection mode to be used when request sent.
withRemovedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Removes an existing HTTP header from the current request.
withRemovedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the removed header.
withRemovedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Removes an existing HTTP header from the current request.
withRemovedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the removed header.
withRemovedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Removes an existing HTTP header from the current request.
withRemovedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the removed header.
withRemovedHeader(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Removes an existing HTTP header from the current request.
withRemovedHeader(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the removed header.
withRemovedHeader(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Removes an existing HTTP header from the current request.
withRemovedHeader(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the removed header.
withRemovedHeader(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Removes an existing HTTP header from the current request.
withRemovedHeader(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the removed header.
withRemovedHeaders(HttpHeader...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the removed HTTP headers.
withRemovedHeaders(HttpHeader...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the removed HTTP headers.
withRemovedHeaders(List<? extends HttpHeader>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the removed HTTP headers.
withRemovedHeaders(List<? extends HttpHeader>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the removed HTTP headers.
withRemovedParameters(HttpParameter...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the removed HTTP parameters.
withRemovedParameters(HttpParameter...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the removed HTTP parameters.
withRemovedParameters(HttpParameter...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the removed HTTP parameters.
withRemovedParameters(List<? extends HttpParameter>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the removed HTTP parameters.
withRemovedParameters(List<? extends HttpParameter>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the removed HTTP parameters.
withRemovedParameters(List<? extends HttpParameter>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the removed HTTP parameters.
withRequestMarkers(Marker...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
Create a copy of the HttpRequestResponse with the added request markers.
withRequestMarkers(List<Marker>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
Create a copy of the HttpRequestResponse with the added request markers.
withResponseMarkers(Marker...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
Create a copy of the HttpRequestResponse with the added response markers.
withResponseMarkers(List<Marker>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse
Create a copy of the HttpRequestResponse with the added response markers.
withResponseTimeout(long) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.RequestOptions
Specify the timeout to be used while reading the response.
withServerNameIndicator(String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.RequestOptions
Specify the server name indicator (SNI) to be used when request sent.
withService(HttpService) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the new service.
withService(HttpService) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the new service.
withService(HttpService) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the new service.
withStatusCode(short) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the provided status code.
withStatusCode(short) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the provided status code.
withStatusCode(short) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the provided status code.
withTemperature(double) - Method in interface
Specifies the prompt temperature to be used.
withTransformationApplied(HttpTransformation) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the transformation applied.
withTransformationApplied(HttpTransformation) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the transformation applied.
withTransformationApplied(HttpTransformation) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the transformation applied.
withUpdatedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated header.
withUpdatedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the updated header.
withUpdatedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated header.
withUpdatedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the updated header.
withUpdatedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated header.
withUpdatedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the updated header.
withUpdatedHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated header.
withUpdatedHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the updated header.
withUpdatedHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated header.
withUpdatedHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the updated header.
withUpdatedHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated header.
withUpdatedHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the updated header.
withUpdatedHeaders(HttpHeader...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated HTTP headers.
withUpdatedHeaders(HttpHeader...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the updated HTTP headers.
withUpdatedHeaders(List<? extends HttpHeader>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated HTTP headers.
withUpdatedHeaders(List<? extends HttpHeader>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.HttpResponse
Create a copy of the HttpResponse with the updated HTTP headers.
withUpdatedParameters(HttpParameter...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated HTTP parameters.
withUpdatedParameters(HttpParameter...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated HTTP parameters.
withUpdatedParameters(HttpParameter...) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated HTTP parameters.
withUpdatedParameters(List<? extends HttpParameter>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated HTTP parameters.
withUpdatedParameters(List<? extends HttpParameter>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.message.requests.HttpRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated HTTP parameters.
withUpdatedParameters(List<? extends HttpParameter>) - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.proxy.http.InterceptedRequest
Create a copy of the HttpRequest with the updated HTTP parameters.
withUpstreamTLSVerification() - Method in interface burp.api.montoya.http.RequestOptions
Enforce upstream TLS verification when request sent.
WORD_COUNT - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.responses.analysis.AttributeType
WRAP_LINES - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.ui.editor.EditorOptions
Editor should wrap lines - only applicable for Raw Editors.


XML - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.ContentType
XML - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
XML - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameterType
XML - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.scanner.ReportFormat
XML_ATTRIBUTE - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.params.HttpParameterType


YAML - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.http.message.MimeType
YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class burp.api.montoya.core.HighlightColor
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 
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