Interface MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse

public interface MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse
This class contains information about a user selection of a request or response within a Burp Suite message editor.
  • Method Details

    • selectionContext

      An MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse.SelectionContext which indicates what data has been selected by the user and has focus.
    • selectionOffsets

      Optional<Range> selectionOffsets()
      This will return Optional.empty() if the user has not made a selection.
      An Optional range of indices that indicates the position of the users current selection.
    • caretPosition

      int caretPosition()
      The index of the position for the carat within the current message editor.
    • requestResponse

      HttpRequestResponse requestResponse()
      An instance of HttpRequestResponse which contains the information about the currently displayed or selected HTTP request/response.
    • setRequest

      void setRequest(HttpRequest request)
      Update the message editor with the HTTP request
      request - the request to update the editor.
    • setResponse

      void setResponse(HttpResponse response)
      Update the message editor with the HTTP response
      response - the response to update the editor.