Interface ContextMenuEvent

All Superinterfaces:
ComponentEvent, InvocationSource, ToolSource

public interface ContextMenuEvent extends ComponentEvent, ToolSource, InvocationSource
Provides useful information when generating context menu items from a ContextMenuItemsProvider.
  • Method Details

    • messageEditorRequestResponse

      Optional<MessageEditorHttpRequestResponse> messageEditorRequestResponse()
      This method can be used to retrieve details of the currently selected HTTP request/response when the context menu was invoked.
      an Optional describing the currently selected request response with selection metadata.
    • selectedRequestResponses

      List<HttpRequestResponse> selectedRequestResponses()
      This method can be used to retrieve details of the currently selected HTTP request/response pair that was selected by the user when the context menu was invoked. This will return an empty list if the user has not made a selection.
      A list of request responses that have been selected by the user.
    • selectedIssues

      @Deprecated List<AuditIssue> selectedIssues()
      This method can be used to retrieve details of the Scanner issues that were selected by the user when the context menu was invoked. This will return an empty list if no issues are applicable to the invocation.
      a List of AuditIssue objects representing the items that were shown or selected by the user when the context menu was invoked.