All Classes and Interfaces

An instance of this interface should be returned by SessionHandlingAction.performAction(SessionHandlingActionData).
Provides access to AI related functionality.
Annotations stored with requests and responses in Burp Suite.
Intruder attack configuration.
Burp attribute able to retrieve to hold details about HTTP response attributes.
Otions that Burp can use to query attributes of HTTP responses.
Audit in the Burp Scanner tool.
This class represents the configuration required for an audit in the Burp Scanner Tool.
This interface is used to define an insertion point for use by active Scan checks.
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Scanner.registerInsertionPointProvider(AuditInsertionPointProvider) to register a provider for custom audit insertion points.
This enum represents the audit insertion point type.
This interface is used to retrieve details of audit issues.
This enum represents the confidence level of an audit issue.
This interface is used to retrieve background information about audit issues.
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Scanner.registerAuditIssueHandler(AuditIssueHandler) to register an audit issue handler.
This enum represents the severity level of an audit issue.
This enum defines HTML encodings.
This enum defines HTML encodings.
This interface contains various methods that give you access to base64 encoding and decoding features.
The result of importing a BCheck
The status of an imported BCheck
Provides access to functionality related to BChecks.
Binary WebSocket message.
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a binary message from ProxyMessageHandler.handleBinaryMessageReceived(InterceptedBinaryMessage).
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a binary message from ProxyMessageHandler.handleBinaryMessageToBeSent(InterceptedBinaryMessage).
This enum represents built in configurations for the Burp Scanner tool.
All extensions must implement this interface.
Provides access to functionality related to the Burp Suite application.
Editions of Burp Suite.
Burp ByteArray with various methods for querying and manipulating byte arrays.
This interface gives you access to various methods for querying and manipulating byte arrays.
[Professional only] Provides access to the facilities of Burp Collaborator.
Burp Collaborator client that can be used to generate Burp Collaborator payloads and poll the Collaborator server for any network interactions that result from using those payloads.
Burp Collaborator payload.
Burp Collaborator payload generator that can be used to generate Burp Collaborator payloads.
Provides details of the Collaborator server associated with this client.
Provides access to the functionality of the Comparer tool.
This interface describes an action or event that has occurred with a user interface component.
This enum defines available compression types.
This interface gives you access to data compression features.
This enum represents the action to be taken when duplicate audit issues are found.
Content types recognised by Burp.
Provides useful information when generating context menu items from a ContextMenuItemsProvider.
This interface allows extensions to implement and register a provider for custom context menu items.
Burp cookie able to retrieve and hold details about a cookie.
Provides access to Burp's Cookie Jar functionality.
Crawl in the Burp Scanner tool.
Crawl and audit in the Burp Scanner tool.
This class represents the configuration required for an crawl in the Burp Scanner Tool.
This interface gives you access to cryptographic features.
Provides access to the functionality of the Decoder tool.
Enum of available message digest algorithms.
This enum is used to indicate the direction of the WebSocket message.
Provides information about a DNS interaction detected by Burp Collaborator.
Domain Name System (DNS) query types.
Provides the shared behaviour between the different editor types.
This interface is used by an ExtensionHttpRequestEditor or ExtensionHttpResponseEditor to obtain details about the currently displayed message.
An enum to describe the different modes of Burp Suites message editor.
These options allow you to configure additional behaviour to Editor implementations.
Enhanced capabilities that need to be explicitly requested.
Provides access to functionality related to your Extension.
Provides the shared behaviour between the different extension provided editor types.
Extensions that register an HttpRequestEditorProvider must return an instance of this interface.
Burp will then use that instance to create custom tabs within its HTTP request editor.
Extensions that register an HttpResponseEditorProvider must return an instance of this interface.
Burp will then use that instance to create custom tabs within its HTTP response editor.
Extensions that register an WebSocketMessageEditorProvider must return an instance of this interface.
Burp will then use that instance to create custom tabs within its Web Socket message editor.
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Extension.registerUnloadingHandler(ExtensionUnloadingHandler) to register an extension unload handler.
A WebSocket created via the Extension API.
Result of a WebSocket creation attempt
Status of a WebSocket creation attempt
This interface allows an extension to be notified when messages are received or the WebSocket has been closed.
Intruder payload.
Colors that can be used for highlights in Burp Suite.
Provides useful contextual information from events triggered by hot keys HotKeyHandler.
This interface allows extensions to handle hot key events.
This enum defines HTML encodings.
This interface gives you access to HTML encoding and decoding features.
Provides access HTTP related functionality of Burp.
Provides information about an HTTP interaction detected by Burp Collaborator.
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Http.registerHttpHandler(burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpHandler) to register an HTTP handler.
Burp HTTP header able to retrieve to hold details about an HTTP header.
Burp message retrieve common information shared by HttpRequest and HttpResponse.
HTTP modes when sending a request.
Burp HTTP parameter able to retrieve to hold details about an HTTP request parameter.
HTTP parameter types.
HTTP protocols.
Burp HTTP request able to retrieve and modify details of an HTTP request.
Provides extensions with an instance of Burp Suites HTTP request editor to use in their own user interface.
Extensions can register an instance of this interface to provide custom HTTP request editors within Burp's user interface.
This interface is used to define a coupling between HttpRequest and HttpResponse.
Intruder request template, which contains the HTTP request and insertion point offsets.
Options that can be used to generate a new HttpRequestTemplate.
Burp HttpRequest with additional methods to retrieve Annotations and ToolSource of the request.
Burp HTTP response able to retrieve and modify details about an HTTP response.
Provides extensions with an instance of Burp Suites HTTP response editor to use in their own user interface.
Extensions can register an instance of this interface to provide custom HTTP response editors within Burp's user interface.
Burp HttpResponse with additional methods to retrieve initiating HttpRequest as well as the Annotations and ToolSource of the request.
Burp HTTP service providing details about an HTTP service, to which HTTP requests can be sent.
This enum defines transformations that Burp can apply to an HTTP request.
Provides details of an interaction with the Burp Collaborator server.
Provides a filtering mechanism for use when retrieving interactions from the Burp Collaborator server.
Burp Collaborator interaction id.
Possible types of interaction with Burp Collaborator.
HTTP message intercepted by Burp Proxy.
HTTP request intercepted by Burp Proxy.
HTTP response intercepted by Burp Proxy.
Provides access to the functionality of the Burp Intruder tool.
Intruder insertion point for attack payloads.
Provides information about the source from which a context menu was invoked.
An enum containing different types of context menu invocations.
This interface is used to define a JSON array node.
This interface is used to define a JSON boolean node.
This class represents an exception which is thrown when attempting operations that are unsuccessful.
This interface is used to represent a JSON node, and acts as the base for all other JsonNode types (see subinterfaces).
This interface is used to define a JSON null node.
This interface is used to define a JSON number node.
This interface is used to define a JSON object node.
This class represents an exception which is thrown when attempting to parse an invalid JSON structure.
This interface is used to define a JSON string node.
This interface enables you to access convenient methods to read and manipulate JSON.
Stores the number of types a given keyword appeared in a response.
This interface is used to define a coupling between HttpRequest and HttpResponse that could potentially be recorded in the Logger.
This interface is used to define a coupling between HttpRequest and HttpResponse for the Logger.
Provides access to the functionality related to logging and events.
This class represents an exception which is thrown when trying to retrieve attributes from a malformed request.
Marker containing a range representing interesting data in requests and responses.
A menu to be displayed in the MenuBar.
The top menu bar for the main suite frame.
An item to be displayed in a Menu.
Interface used to represent different types of message used by AI chat prompts.
This enum represents the action to be applied to a TextMessageAction or BinaryMessageAction.
This class contains information about a user selection of a request or response within a Burp Suite message editor.
This interface allows an extension to be notified when messages are received or the WebSocket has been closed.
This enum represents the initial action to be taken when intercepting HTTP and WebSocket messages in the Proxy.
This enum represents the final action to be taken when intercepting HTTP and WebSocket messages in the Proxy.
MIME types that are recognised by Burp.
This interface is used by Burp Suite to pass a set of methods to extensions that can be used to perform various actions within Burp.
This interface gives you access to number string conversion features.
Provides access to the functionality of the Organizer tool.
Burp HttpParameter with additional details about an HTTP request parameter that has been parsed by Burp.
Contains information about the payload
Intruder payload generator.
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Intruder.registerPayloadGeneratorProvider(burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadGeneratorProvider) to register a provider for custom Intruder payload generators.
Options that can be specified when generating Burp Collaborator payloads.
Instructions that the payload processor can give Intruder for the current payload.
An instance of this interface should be returned by PayloadProcessor.processPayload(burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadData) if a custom PayloadProcessor was registered with Intruder.
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Intruder.registerPayloadProcessor(burp.api.montoya.intruder.PayloadProcessor) to register a custom Intruder payload processor.
List that has been persisted in the project.
[Professional only] Enables data to be stored and accessed from the Burp project.
Provides access to the persistence functionality.
Enables data to be stored and accessed from the Java preference store.
Provides access to functionality relating to the project.
Provides access to AI chat prompt functionality.
This class represents an exception which is thrown when using AI chat prompt functionality.
Interface used to specify options for AI chat prompts.
Represents the response from an AI chat prompt.
Provides access to the functionality of the Proxy tool.
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Proxy.history(ProxyHistoryFilter) to get a filtered list of items in the Proxy history.
HTTP request and response intercepted by the Proxy.
This interface allows an extension to be notified when messages are sent or received via the proxy WebSocket, or it has been closed.
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Proxy.registerRequestHandler(ProxyRequestHandler) to register a Proxy request handler.
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a result from ProxyRequestHandler.handleRequestReceived(InterceptedRequest).
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a result from ProxyRequestHandler.handleRequestToBeSent(InterceptedRequest).
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Proxy.registerResponseHandler(ProxyResponseHandler) to register a Proxy response handler.
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a result from ProxyResponseHandler.handleResponseReceived(InterceptedResponse).
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a result from ProxyResponseHandler.handleResponseToBeSent(InterceptedResponse).
ProxyWebSocket within Burp.
Information about the proxy web socket that is being created.
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Proxy.registerWebSocketCreationHandler(burp.api.montoya.proxy.websocket.ProxyWebSocketCreationHandler) to register a WebSocket handler.
The handler will be notified of new WebSockets being created by the Proxy tool.
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Proxy.webSocketHistory(ProxyWebSocketHistoryFilter) to get a filtered list of items in the Proxy WebSockets history.
WebSocket message intercepted by the Proxy.
Range of integer values between two values in which the range includes the start value but excludes the end value.
Provides extensions with an instance of Burp Suite's HTTP text editor to use in their own user interface.
Redirection modes when sending a request.
Returned when an object is registered by an extension in Burp Suite.
Provides access to the functionality of the Repeater tool.
This enum represents the formats for scan reports.
Action to be taken when intercepting HTTP requests.
Interface used to specify options for making HTTP requests.
Provides access to user-selected content and its start and end points in HTTP requests and responses.
An instance of this interface should be returned by HttpHandler.handleHttpRequestToBeSent(burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpRequestToBeSent) if a custom HttpHandler has been registered with Burp.
Action to be taken when intercepting HTTP responses.
Analyze HTTP responses and retrieve keywords.
An instance of this interface should be returned by HttpHandler.handleHttpResponseReceived(burp.api.montoya.http.handler.HttpResponseReceived) if a custom HttpHandler has been registered with Burp.
Analyze HTTP responses and find variations between them, according to various attributes.
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Scanner.registerScanCheck(ScanCheck) to register a custom Scanner check.
Configurations for the Burp Scanner tool.
[Professional only] Provides access to the functionality of the Scanner tool.
This interface is used to retrieve details of tasks in the Burp Scanner.
Provides access to the functionality related to Burp's Suite-wide target scope.
Change to Burp's Suite-wide target scope.
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Scope.registerScopeChangeHandler(ScopeChangeHandler) to register a scope change handler.
Secret key that is associated with a CollaboratorClient
Provides helpful information and functionality relating to a user's selection within the user interface.
Extensions can implement this interface and then call Http.registerSessionHandlingAction(burp.api.montoya.http.sessions.SessionHandlingAction) to register a custom session handling action.
Information required for session handling.
Shutdown options that can be used when calling BurpSuite.shutdown(ShutdownOptions...).
Provides methods for querying and modifying Burp's site map.
This interface is used to filter items when querying Burp's site map.
This interface is used to represent items in the Burp's site map.
SMTP interaction detected by Burp Collaborator.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) protocols.
Status code classes that are defined in the HTTP standard.
This interface gives you access to String manipulation features.
This interface gives you access to swing utilities.
Task on the Dashboard.
Provides access to the task execution engine.
Task execution engine state
Text WebSocket message.
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a text message from ProxyMessageHandler.handleTextMessageReceived(InterceptedTextMessage).
Extensions can implement this interface when returning a text message from ProxyMessageHandler.handleTextMessageToBeSent(InterceptedTextMessage).
This enum contains the different themes available in Burp Suites user interface.
Timing data
Tool that is the source of an object.
Tools in Burp Suite.
This interface gives you access to URL encoding and decoding features.
This interface gives you access to various user interface related features.
This interface gives you access to other interfaces that have various data conversion and querying features.
Product version.
WebSocket within Burp.
Extensions can implement this interface and then call registerWebSocketCreatedHandler(burp.api.montoya.websocket.WebSocketCreatedHandler) to register a WebSocket handler.
Provides extensions with an instance of Burp Suite's WebSocket message editor to use in their own user interface.
Extensions can register an instance of this interface to provide custom Web Socket message editors within Burp's user interface.
Provides access to WebSocket related functionality of Burp.